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Category Archives: Guatemala Passport/ Visa Photo
Guatemala Passport/Visa Photo
- Required photo size: 2 inches in height and 2 inches in width
- The photo you submit must be in color
- Head position: keep your head straight
- Recency: must be as recent as 6 months
- Background: white
- Smile: no
- Eyes: must be clearly visible
- Your ears should appear in the photo
- The picture must not be blurry
- Glasses: only acceptable if they do not cover your eyes
- Headgear: as a rule, no. Exceptions are made for religious purposes
- Dimensions and size (pixels): at least 600 dpi
- Attire, clothing, dress code: avoid white clothes
- Beard: it is allowed only if it shows your everyday look
- Quantity needed in application: 2
Guatemala Passport Photos and Visa Photo Requirements – Rules, Guidelines, and Specifications
While we already listed the Guatemala passport photo requirements above, we want to further provide you with some information so that there is no confusion regarding some of them. Did you know that an inadequate passport photo is one of the most common reasons for passport application rejection? We want you to avoid that.
- As mentioned above, the background has to be white. It cannot have patterns, color, or even shadows on it. Many people take their pictures against a white wall. In case you do not have one in your home, feel free to take a white sheet and hang it somewhere. It achieves the same result.
- The best position for your camera is at eye level. You have to keep your head straight so that both sides of your face are equally visible. Needless to say, you are not allowed to tilt or rotate your head in any way. If you submit a portrait-style photo, your application will be rejected.
- When you take your picture, do not smile. You cannot frown, raise your brows, nor squint. You must adopt a neutral facial expression. To achieve that, you have to relax the muscles of your face when capturing the photograph.
- The eyes must be perfectly visible in the passport photo or visa photo. They cannot be covered by your hair of the frames of your glasses. Look straight into the camera. If you decide to keep your glasses on, remember to check for glare. Sunglasses and eyeglasses with tinted lenses are prohibited in a passport photo.
- Make sure that the lighting in the environment in which you take the photo is adequate. It must have the appropriate intensity. Choose a source that is in front of you so that the light does not cast any shadows on your face. That can distort some facial features.
- When you take your passport photo or visa photo, you cannot appear with anything on your head. However, if you must keep on your headwear for religious purposes, an exception is made. Nevertheless, the headwear cannot cast shadows on your face, and your face must be entirely visible from the top of your forehead to the bottom of your chin.
- In case your beard represents your everyday look, you are allowed to keep it on for your passport photo or visa photo. If you plan on shaving it, do so before taking the picture.
Rules and Requirements for Babies, Infants, and Newborn Passport and Visa Photos
Children are not exempt from having their own passport and visas no matter how young they are. So, if you plan on traveling together with your kids, you need to apply for travel documents for them as well. Pictures are necessary for them too. Below, you will find some useful tips on how to take your children’s passport photos and visa photos.
- Make sure that the child is awake during the photoshoot.
- Only the baby can appear in the photograph. If you want to hold him/her, remember that not even your hands can appear in the picture.
- Photographing your child in a car seat entails putting a white cover on the backrest of the chair.
- When taking the passport photo of your child from above in the lying down position, remember to place a white sheet or blanket underneath. All background rules apply to children as well.
- Remove hats, pacifiers, toys, or any other objects from the shot.
- There are no significant differences between a child’s passport photo and an adult’s passport photo other than the fact that a child’s head can appear smaller
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