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Category Archives: Ecuador Passport photos
Ecuador Passport & Visa photos
Passport and Visa Photo Requirements
The following is the list of regulations regarding passport-style photographs
- Two (2) 2×2 inches in size, taken within the past 6 months.
- The image size from the bottom of the chin to the top of the head should be between 1 inch and 1 3/8 inches.
- The photographs may be in color or black and white.
- They must be full face, front view with a plain white or off-white background.
- Photographs should be taken in normal street attire, without a hat or headgear that obscures the hair or hairline.
- Uniforms should not be worn in photographs.
- If prescription glasses, a hearing device, wig or similar articles are normally and consistently worn, they should be worn when the picture is taken.
- Dark glasses or nonprescription glasses with tinted lenses are not acceptable unless required for medical reasons. A medical certificate may be required to support the wearing of such glasses in the photographs.
- If you choose to submit digitized photos, they must meet the same requirements of all passport photographs. In addition, digitized photographs are always produced on digital printers. Some printers will produce a photograph in which the dots are seen. Visible dots distort the image by making it look grainy. Acceptable photos have a continuous tone image that looks very photo-like.
Vending Machine photos are NOT acceptable.
Homemade Digital Photographs are not acceptable.
call for appointment 480.862.9002
2328 E. Chanute Pass, Phoenix, AZ 85040
click here for immediate directions
Ecuador’s culture and traditions: 3 basic facts
Arm yourself with a couple of basic facts and figures about Ecuador, at the very least. Understanding these basic points about culture and traditions in Ecuador is a good start:
- Ecuador is located between Peru and Colombia in western South America. It borders the Pacific Ocean along the Equator.
- The majority religion in Ecuador is Roman Catholic, accounting for 95% of the population.
- Speaking of population, it is estimated that Ecuador is home to somewhere in the region of 15,654,000 people.
Ecuador’s culture and traditions: Language
Never underestimate the importance of knowing something of the local language. Just as any trip to Santiago, Chile will be improved by knowing a few words in Chilean Spanish, understanding the language in Ecuador will be of huge benefit.
Speaking Spanish in Ecuador
There are over 20 different languages spoken in Ecuador, though the official language is Spanish. Perhaps not surprisingly, Spanish is also the most commonly spoken. If you can speak Spanish, you’re way ahead of the pack. If not, you might want to carry a phrase book (or Google Translate) to help you get by.
Other languages in Ecuador
Beyond Spanish, they speak various other languages in Ecuador. If you’ve already mastered Spanish and want a bigger challenge, why not learn a few words in another language? Some of the other languages they speak in Ecuador are:
- Achuar-Shiwiar
- Cha’palaachi
- Colorado
- Cuaiquer
- Quichua
- Siona
Posted in Ecuador Passport photos
Tagged australian immigration photos, business in Ecuador, Camera, Digital Photo Album, Digital Photo Processing, Ecuador Passport & Visa photos, green card photos, hotels in Ecuador, immigration photos, map of Ecuador, mexican passport photos, passport photos, property in Ecuador, travel to Ecuador, us immigration photos, usa visa photos, visa Ecuador photos, visit Ecuador, visit egypt, visit spain, visit usa, work in Ecuador, work permit photos
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