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- Soft Copy-DS-160
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Author Archives: admin
المملكة العربية السعودية- Saudi Arab Kingdom
إجراءات الحصول على جواز السفر السعودي |
1. تسديد رسوم إصدار الجواز آلياً .
2. الحصول على موعد إلكترونيا عبر الرابط التالي حجز موعد إلكتروني
3. حضور صاحب الطلب شخصياً أو ولي الأمر للنساء والقصر ولا يقبل التفويض عند تقديم الطلب .
4. الأبناء البالغين سن الخامسة عشر من العمر فإنه يلزم حصولهم على بطاقة الهوية الوطنية مع حضور ولي الأمر لمن هم دون سن الحادية والعشرين
عاما لأخذ موافقته مع صاحب الطلب باستثناء من كان متزوجاً .
5. يشترط للحصول على الجواز السعودي لمن تجاوز عمره (15) سنة كان ذكراً أو أنثى للحصول للهوية الوطنية أما الأبناء والبنات القصر
(دون الخامسة عشر) يجب إحضار (بطاقة العائلة الأصل) وصورة منها .
6. إحضار صورتين حديثتي التصوير مقاس 4× 6 ملونة والخلفية بيضاء غير فورية أو مسحوبه ويشترط ان تكون بالزي السعودي .
7. تعبئة الاستمارة الخاصة بذلك مشتملة على كافة المعلومات وفق الحقول المخصصة وباللغتين العربية والإنجليزية.
8. حضور مقدم الطلب شخصياً عند الاستلام أو ولي الأمر بالنسبة للنساء أو الأبناء القصر على أن يوقع بإمضائه واسمه الصريح بأن الصورة
الشخصية الملصقة على جواز السفر ويذكر رقمه وتاريخه ومصدره هي صورة زوجته أو أبنته أو أخته أو غير ذلك حسب نموذج التعبئة
ملاحظة /عزيزي مقدم الطلب يرجى التاكد من خلو سجل المستفيد من المخالفات المرورية اضغط هنا
ملاحظات مهمة :1. تمنح جوازات السفر للنساء السعوديات والقصر السعوديين المتوفي ولي أمرهم وكل ما يتعلق بأمور سفرهم بموجب صك شرعي يثبت حق الولاية
أو الوصاية أو القوامة الشرعية عليهم من قبل الولي أو الوصي أو المقيم .
2. زوجة المواطن السعودي التي حصلت على الجنسية السعودية وتوفي زوجها أو طلقت منه وترغب في الحصول على جواز سفر فلابد من مراجعة
الأحوال المدنية للحصول على بطاقة عائلة من الأحوال المدنية .
3. أن الانظمة والتعليمات تمنع إضافة المرافقين على جوازات السفر المقرؤه بعد اصدارها لذا يستوجب عليكم مراعاة ذلك عند اصدار الجواز او
4. عند الرغبة في ترجمة محدده لبيانات جواز السفر عليك كتابة البيانات باللغتين في استمارة الطلب وذلك لمراعاتها عند منح الجواز .
5. لا يمكن اضافة أكثر من 4 مرافقين بالجواز الواحد .
Posted in Saudi Kingdom - السعودية
Tagged السعودية, المملكة العربية السعودية, صور باسبور المملكة العربية السعودية
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Oman Passport, Visa Photos
Oman Passport, Visa Photos requirements:
Blue Background.
Oman Passport Photo specifications:
◾You will need to have 3 identical photos when you submit your application.
◾The photos for your passport must be 40 mm x 60 mm and in color.
◾You need to be facing the camera directly, with your eyes open.
◾The exception to this rule is that infants can have their eyes closed for their photos.
Oman Visa Photo specifications:
◾The dimensions of your visa photos must be 51 mm x 51 mm.
◾You will need to submit 2 identical images where your face takes up anywhere between 60 percent and 70 percent of the photograph (or measures 1” x 1 3/8” from your chin to your head).
◾It needs to be a close-up of the top of your shoulders to the crown of your head.
◾Your entire face must be clearly visible in the picture, displaying both sides of your face equally as the photo needs to be taken straight-on.
◾The background of the image needs to be in white otherwise it will not be accepted.
◾There should also not be any pattern or busy backgrounds for the photos as well as there should be no shadows in the background.
◾There should be no evidence of a person or an object in the background as well, even if someone needs to support a child for their photo.
◾If a child cannot support themselves, there can be no evidence of that in the picture.
Posted in Oman passport
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Myanmar Visa
Myanmar visa for US citizen requirements
- Your passport validity must have at least (6) months.
- You have to upload one COLOR PHOTO (4.8 cm X 3.8 cm) taking during last (3) months.
- US citizens must fill in the Myanmar visa application online exactly as shown on your passport (your full name, your passport number, passport expiration date…)
- Visa, Master, American Express or JCB credit cards for the payment
– For business visa, you need submit: Letter of Invitation to you from a registered company.
– Company Registration of inviting company. - Certificate of Incorporation (For Local Company) or
- Certificate of Registration of Branch Office (For Foreign Investment Company)
Posted in Myanmar Visa
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Nepal Passport & Visa Photos
By appointment ONLY call or text 480.862.9002
Nepal Passport & Visa Photos
Three recent color photographs with below specifications:
- 50 mm x 50 mm
- Eyes open
- White background with no shadow
- No shadow on face
- Border less
- Clearly visible both ears
- Neutral expression
- No glass
- No teeth shown up
- No ornaments
- Face coverage: 70% to 80% of photo area.
Please visit this link also: /photo-instruction-2/
By appointment ONLY, call or text 480.862.9002
Posted in Nepal passport photos
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Turkey Passport & Visa Photos
Turkey Passport & Visa Photos
Passport Photo Requirements
2 pictures of 50 x 60 mm
May use the EU Requirements of 35 x 45 mm
Visa Photo Requirements
1 Passport size photo (Black & white or colored)
call for appointment: 480.862.9002
Posted in Turkey Passport Photos
Tagged australian immigration photos, canadian passport photos, china passport photos, indian passport photos, iranian passport photos, mexican passport photos, passport photos, Passport pictures, poland passport photos, Turkey Passport Photos, UK passport photos, us immigration photos, us passport photos, visa photos, work permit photos, work visa new zealand
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Soft Copy for Online Non immigrant Visa Application (DS-160)
Non immigrant Visa Application (DS-160)
click here for immediate directions
Your photo is a vital part of your visa application. To learn more, review the information below on how to provide a suitable photo. Digital images are required for some visa categories, while photos are required for other visa categories. The acceptance of your digital image or photo is at the discretion of the U.S. embassy or consulate where you apply.
We recommend you use a professional visa photo service to ensure your photo meets all the requirements.
![us passport photos studio](
us passport photos studio
Your photos or digital images must be:
- In color
- Sized such that the head is between 1 inch and 1 3/8 inches (22 mm and 35 mm) or 50% and 69% of the image’s total height from the bottom of the chin to the top of the head.
- Taken within the last 6 months to reflect your current appearance
- Taken in front of a plain white or off-white background
- Taken in full-face view directly facing the camera
- With a neutral facial expression and both eyes open
- Taken in clothing that you normally wear on a daily basis
- Uniforms should not be worn in your photo, except religious clothing that is worn daily.
- Do not wear a hat or head covering that obscures the hair or hairline, unless worn daily for a religious purpose. Your full face must be visible, and the head covering must not cast any shadows on your face.
- Headphones, wireless hands-free devices, or similar items are not acceptable in your photo.
- If you normally wear glasses (without tinted lenses), a hearing device, or similar articles, they may be worn in your photo.
- Dark glasses or glasses with tinted lenses are not acceptable.
- Glare on glasses is not acceptable in your photo. Glare can be avoided with a slight downward tilt of the glasses or by removing the glasses or by turning off the camera flash.
- Make sure the photo presents the full head from the top of the hair to the bottom of the chin
- Center the head with the frame
- The person in the photo should have a neutral expression and be facing the camera
Paper Photo Head Size Template
- Photo must be 2 inches by 2 inches
- The height of the head (top of hair to bottom of chin) should measure 1 inch to 1 3/8 inches (25 mm – 35 mm)
- Make sure the eye height is between 1 1/8 inches to 1 3/8 inches (28 mm – 35 mm) from the bottom of the photo
Digital Image Head Size Template
- The top of the head, including the hair, to the bottom of the chin must be between 50% and 69% of the image’s total height. The eye height (measured from the bottom of the image to the level of the eyes) should be between 56% and 69% of the image’s height.
- Image pixel dimensions must be in a square aspect ratio (meaning the height must be equal to the width). Minimum acceptable dimensions are 600 pixels (width) x 600 pixels (height). Maximum acceptable dimensions are 1200 pixels (width) x 1200 pixels (height).
Photos copied or digitally scanned from driver’s licenses or other official documents are not acceptable. In addition, snapshots, magazine photos, low quality vending machine or mobile phone photos, and full-length photographs are not acceptable.
2328 E. Chanute Pass, Phoenix, AZ 85040
click here for immediate directions
Posted in Soft Copy-DS-160
Tagged Digital Photo, electronic file for DS-160, electronic photo, lottery passport photo, Soft Copy for Online Nonimmigrant Visa Application (DS-160), soft copy passport photo for upload on line, us immigration photos
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Portugal Passport & Visa Photos
Portugal Passport & Visa Photos
call for appointment 480.862.9002
Thank you for visiting Williams Passport Photo.
2328 E. Chanute Pass, Phoenix, AZ 85040
click here for immediate directions
By appointment only, Call or text 480.862.9002,
or schedule your appointment
Portugal Passport & Visa Photos Requirements
• Avoid white clothing because the background for Portugal Passport Picture is light gray.
• Remove your glasses to eliminate any chances of rejection because of reflections.
• Your expression must be neutral with no frowning or smiling.
• You should be looking directly at the camera.
• 2 color pictures 35 x 45 mm
• Face should fill between 32 mm to 36 mm from chin to crown
• Portuguese Passport photographs must be taken by a professional photographer.
• The photo must be taken no more than 30 days previous to your application being processed.
To renew your passport contact your Consulate-General of Portugal in San Francisco: 3298 Washington Street San Francisco, CA 94115 -USA
Phone: (415) 346.3400
Fax: (415) 346.1440
Email: [email protected]
Hours: 9:00 am- 3:00 pm
Portuguese embassies in nearby countries» Canada» Mexico
Posted in Portugal Passport Photos
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Armenia Passport photos
![armenia-passport-photo Armenian Passport Photo](
Armenian Passport Photo
Passport Photos and Visa Photos are ready in about 15 minutes
Open 7 days a week with appointment only. Passport photos or visa photos will be ready at the time of appointment. Williams Passport Photos location is in Phoenix, AZ.
appointment: 480.862.9002
2328 E. Chanute Pass, Phoenix, AZ 85040
click here for immediate directions
Passport and Visa photos must conform to the internationally agreed Bio-metric Standard for passports.
Please bring an example or a set of specifications for your requirements.
Armenian Passport and Visa Photo Requirements listed below:
If spectacles are worn the eyes must be clearly visible
4 identical recent photos are needed
The passport photos must be no more than 6 months old
In the case of babies, no visible support must be seen
Armenian Passport photo requirements state that no teeth be visible
You must have a neutral expression and you must nor smile
Face and shoulders must be in the middle for Armenian Passport Photos
Armenian Passport Photos must have natural skin color
The length from chin to crown of head must between 25 mm to 30 mm
The photograph size is 35 x 45 mm
No shadows
Plain, uniform, white or light gray background
No red eye allowed
Posted in Armenia Passport photos
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Qatar Passport & Visa Photos (38×48 mm)
Call for appointment 480-862-9002
Qatar Passport Photos requirements:
- 2 pictures 38 x 48 mm
- Gray back ground
Qatar Visa Photo:
the photo spec for Qatar’s Visa is:
- Background of the photo should not be white
- 38 x 48 mm
- Address:
2328 E. Chanute Pass, Phoenix, AZ 85040
click here for immediate directions
Posted in Qatar Passport Photos
Tagged australian immigration photos, Boudoir photography, Camera, canadian immigration photos, china passport photos, Digital Camera, Digital Photo Album, Digital Photos, egyptian embassy in us, pakistan passport photos, pakistan passport picture, Qatar Passport Photos, visit usa, work permit photos, work visa new zealand
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Lithuania passport photo
Call for an appointment 480.862.9002
Open 7 days a week with appointment only. Passport or visa photo will be ready for pick up at the time of appointment. Our location is in Phoenix, AZ.
2328 E. Chanute Pass, Phoenix, AZ 85040
click here for immediate directions
Lithuania passport photo
- 2 of 4 x 6 cm
- Head size 31 to 35 mm
- Pasui pateikiamos 2 nuotraukos, 40 x 60 mm
Posted in Lithuania passport photo
Tagged australian immigration photos, Camera, canadian immigration photos, china passport photos, Digital Photo Album, Digital Photos, egyptian embassy in us, Lithuania passport photo, pakistan passport photos, pakistan passport picture, passport photo, visit italy, visit japan, visit new zealand, visit pakistan, visit spain, work visa new zealand
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Kuwait passport photo
Call for an appointment 480.862.9002
Open 7 days a week with appointment only. Passport or visa photo will be ready for pick up at the time of appointment. Our location is in Phoenix, AZ.
2328 E. Chanute Pass, Phoenix, AZ 85040
click here for immediate directions
Kuwait passport photo Required Documents | ||
Birth certificate and a copy | ||
Two (2) recent colored personal photos 4 × 6 cm | ||
Photos should be taken without eyeglasses | ||
Face length should range from 2.2 to 2.5 cm and should be at the center of the photo |
Photos should not be taken in military uniform | ||
Photos should not be taken for the face profile | ||
Photo background color (blue) should not affect the clarity |
Fingerprint notification for applicants who reached 18 years old or older | ||
Address proof | ||
Off records from the Ministry of Interior for aged applicants for whom no birth certificates were previously issued. The applicant’s name and date of birth should be stated in the off records. | ||
Nationality certificate for minors born outside Kuwait | ||
Envelope | ||
Letter of no objection against registration from the Ministry of Interior for aged applicants | ||
Nationality certificate and a copy for applicants who reached 18 years old or older | ||
Power of attorney from the Ministry of Justice, in case the applicant does not attend in person | ||
Kuwait Visa photo 2 passport photos 4 x 6 cm |
Posted in kuwait passport photo
Tagged australian immigration photos, Camera, canadian immigration photos, canadian passport photos, china passport photos, Digital Camera, Digital Photo, Digital Photo Album, Digital Photo Print, Digital Photo Processing, Digital Photos, egyptian embassy in us, kuwait passport photo, new zealand passport photos, pakistan passport photos, pakistan passport picture, poland passport photos, visit japan, visit new zealand, visit spain, visit usa, visit Vanatu, work in pakistan, work permit photos, work visa new zealand
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Moldova Passport photos
Moldova Passport Photos:
2 photos 3 x 5 cm
Open 7 days a week with appointment only. Passport or visa photo will be ready for pick up at the time of appointment. Our location is in Phoenix, AZ.
2328 E. Chanute Pass, Phoenix, AZ 85040
click here for immediate directions
call for appointment: 480.862.9002
Posted in Moldova Passport photos
Tagged australian immigration photos, Boudoir photography, Camera, canadian passport photos, egyptian embassy in us, Moldova Passport photos, pakistan passport photos, pakistan passport picture, pan card photos, Thailand work permit photos, visa photos, visit italy, visit pakistan, work visa new zealand
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Ecuador Passport & Visa photos
Passport and Visa Photo Requirements
The following is the list of regulations regarding passport-style photographs
- Two (2) 2×2 inches in size, taken within the past 6 months.
- The image size from the bottom of the chin to the top of the head should be between 1 inch and 1 3/8 inches.
- The photographs may be in color or black and white.
- They must be full face, front view with a plain white or off-white background.
- Photographs should be taken in normal street attire, without a hat or headgear that obscures the hair or hairline.
- Uniforms should not be worn in photographs.
- If prescription glasses, a hearing device, wig or similar articles are normally and consistently worn, they should be worn when the picture is taken.
- Dark glasses or nonprescription glasses with tinted lenses are not acceptable unless required for medical reasons. A medical certificate may be required to support the wearing of such glasses in the photographs.
- If you choose to submit digitized photos, they must meet the same requirements of all passport photographs. In addition, digitized photographs are always produced on digital printers. Some printers will produce a photograph in which the dots are seen. Visible dots distort the image by making it look grainy. Acceptable photos have a continuous tone image that looks very photo-like.
Vending Machine photos are NOT acceptable.
Homemade Digital Photographs are not acceptable.
call for appointment 480.862.9002
2328 E. Chanute Pass, Phoenix, AZ 85040
click here for immediate directions
Ecuador’s culture and traditions: 3 basic facts
Arm yourself with a couple of basic facts and figures about Ecuador, at the very least. Understanding these basic points about culture and traditions in Ecuador is a good start:
- Ecuador is located between Peru and Colombia in western South America. It borders the Pacific Ocean along the Equator.
- The majority religion in Ecuador is Roman Catholic, accounting for 95% of the population.
- Speaking of population, it is estimated that Ecuador is home to somewhere in the region of 15,654,000 people.
Ecuador’s culture and traditions: Language
Never underestimate the importance of knowing something of the local language. Just as any trip to Santiago, Chile will be improved by knowing a few words in Chilean Spanish, understanding the language in Ecuador will be of huge benefit.
Speaking Spanish in Ecuador
There are over 20 different languages spoken in Ecuador, though the official language is Spanish. Perhaps not surprisingly, Spanish is also the most commonly spoken. If you can speak Spanish, you’re way ahead of the pack. If not, you might want to carry a phrase book (or Google Translate) to help you get by.
Other languages in Ecuador
Beyond Spanish, they speak various other languages in Ecuador. If you’ve already mastered Spanish and want a bigger challenge, why not learn a few words in another language? Some of the other languages they speak in Ecuador are:
- Achuar-Shiwiar
- Cha’palaachi
- Colorado
- Cuaiquer
- Quichua
- Siona
Posted in Ecuador Passport photos
Tagged australian immigration photos, business in Ecuador, Camera, Digital Photo Album, Digital Photo Processing, Ecuador Passport & Visa photos, green card photos, hotels in Ecuador, immigration photos, map of Ecuador, mexican passport photos, passport photos, property in Ecuador, travel to Ecuador, us immigration photos, usa visa photos, visa Ecuador photos, visit Ecuador, visit egypt, visit spain, visit usa, work in Ecuador, work permit photos
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Canadian permanent residents card
Applying for a permanent resident card (PR Card) — Initial application, replacement or renewal (IMM 5445) Appendix B: Photo specifications
By appointment only, call: 480.862.9002
Photos are ready in 15 minutes. Open 7 days a week with appointment only.
Williams passport photos policy: Your satisfaction guaranteed! The photo we provide will never get rejected!
2328 E. Chanute Pass, Phoenix, AZ 85040
click here for immediate directions
NEW Photo Dimensions
Notes to the applicant
– Make sure you provide the correct number of photos specified in your application guide. – You must provide identical and unaltered photographs.
– Photographs may be in color or black and white.
– Photographs must be original and not altered in any way or taken from an existing photograph.
– Photographs must reflect your current appearance (taken within the past six (6) months).
Notes to the photographer
The photographs must be:
– taken by a commercial photographer
– 50 mm x 70 mm (2 inches wide x 2 3/4 inches long) and sized so the height of the face measures between 31 mm and 36 mm (1 1/4 inches and 1 7/16 inches) from chin to crown of head (natural top of head).
– clear, sharp and in focus.
– taken with a neutral facial expression (eyes open and clearly visible, mouth closed, no smiling).
– taken with uniform lighting and not show shadows, glare or flash reflections.
– taken straight on, with face and shoulders centered and squared to the camera (i.e. the photographs must show the full front view of the person’s head and shoulders, showing full face centered in the middle of the photograph).
– taken in front of a plain white background with a clear difference between the person’s face and the background. Photographs must reflect/represent natural skin tones.
The back of one (1) photograph must:
- bear the name and date of birth of subject, as well as the name and complete address of the photography studio.
- bear the date the photograph was taken
- the photographer may use a stamp or hand write this information – stick on labels are not acceptable
Posted in Canadian PR Card
Tagged canadian immigration photos, canadian passport photos, Canadian PR Card, chinese passport photos, Digital Photo Print, immigration photos, indian passport photos, mexican passport photos, pan card photos, visa pictures, work permit photos
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Iran Passport photos
Open 7 days a week with appointment only. Passport or visa photo will be ready for pick up at the time of appointment. Our location is in Phoenix, AZ.
2328 E. Chanute Pass, Phoenix, AZ 85040
click here for immediate directions
call for appointment 480.862.9002
Passport Photo Requirements
4 photos -3.5 x 4.5 cm.
-In color.
-white background.
-Subject should be looking directly at the camera.
-All women above the age of 9 must have their hair covered in the photos with the face clearly visible.
Travel or Pilgrimage Visa Photo Requirements
For a tourist visa you need to submit the visa application for in duplicate along with 3 photos – 3.5 X 4.5 cm in size . The application should be accompanied by your passport and a round trip ticket. The passport should be valid for a period of 6 months beyond the date of departure from Iran.
For a business visa only a single copy of the form along with one photo – 3.5 X 4.5 cm in size need be submitted.
Posted in Iran Passport photos
Tagged afghanistan passport photos in az, Australian passport photos, INS (USCIS) photos, iran passport photos, Islamic Republic of iran, pakistan passport photos, pakistan visa photo, passport photos, US Green Card photos, us immigration photos, us passport photos, US Visa Photos
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Indian PAN Card
Indian PAN Card
35 x 25 mm photos required for Indian PAN Card (4 Pic.)
please call or text 480.862.9002 for appointment
2328 E. Chanute Pass, Phoenix, AZ 85040
click here for immediate directions
Posted in Indian PAN Card
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Cyprus Passport photos
Call for an appointment 480.862.9002
Open 7 days a week with appointment only. Passport or visa photo will be ready for pick up at the time of appointment. Our location is in Phoenix, AZ.
2328 E. Chanute Pass, Phoenix, AZ 85040
click here for immediate directions
Passport and Visa photos must conform to the internationally agreed Bio metric Standard for passports.
Passport Photo Requirements:
2 recent 4 x 5 cm photographs. One must be notarized by a Notary Public
Visa Photo Requirements:
Two passport size photographs, at least one notarized by a Notary Public.
Posted in Cyprus Passport photo
Tagged australian immigration photos, Bankruptcy Lawyers, canadian immigration photos, car insurance, china passport photos, Cyprus Passport photo, Digital Photo Processing, find job in new zealand, Immigration lawyers, immigration photos, indian passport photos, Iphone Arizona, Ipod, Marriage Visas / K1 Visas, mexican passport photos, passport photos, Thailand work permit photos, vfs photos, visa photos, visit spain, where to go in Arizona, work permit photos
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Cuba Passport photos, Visa photos
Cuba Passport photos and Visa photos Requirements:
- 4 photos passport size (4.5 x 4.5 cm). it is not the US passport photos size
Save time and money by doing it right the first time at Williams Passport Photos & Visa Photos
Passport Photos and Visa Photos are ready in about 15 minutes
Open 7 days a week with appointment only. Passport photos or visa photos will be ready at the time of appointment.
Williams Passport Photos location is in Phoenix, AZ.
2328 E. Chanute Pass, Phoenix, AZ 85040
click here for immediate directions
appointment: call or text: 480.862.9002
Posted in Cuba Passport photos
Tagged australian immigration photos, china passport photos, Cuba Passport photos, find job in new zealand, pakistan passport photos, poland passport photos, visit Vanatu
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Croatia Visa and Passport photos
Croatia Visa and Passport Requirements
- 2 passport size photos of the applicant (color photo 4.5 x 3.5 cm)
Save time and money by doing it right the first time at Williams Passport Photos & Visa Photos
Passport Photos and Visa Photos are ready in about 15 minutes
Open 7 days a week with appointment only. Passport photos or visa photos will be ready at the time of appointment.
Williams Passport Photos location is in Phoenix, AZ.
2328 E. Chanute Pass, Phoenix, AZ 85040
click here for immediate directions
appointment call or text 480.862.9002
Posted in Croatia Visa and Passport photos
Tagged australian immigration photos, Boudoir photography, canadian passport photos, Croatia Visa and Passport photos, Digital Photo Album, immigration photos, passport photos, poland passport photos, us immigration photos, work permit photos
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Chile Passport photos and Visa photos (4 pic, 2×2 in)
Passport & Visa Photo Requirements
4 passport-size photos
The following is the list of regulations regarding passport-style photographs
Four (4) 2 x 2 inches in size, taken within the past 6 months.
The image size from the bottom of the chin to the top of the head should be between 1 inch and 1 3/8 inches.
The photographs may be in color or black and white.
They must be full face, front view with a plain white or off-white background.
Photographs should be taken in normal street attire, without a hat or headgear that obscures the hair or hairline.
Uniforms should not be worn in photographs.
If a hearing device, wig or similar articles are normally and consistently worn, they should be worn when the picture is taken.
If you choose to submit digitized photos, they must meet the same requirements of all passport photographs. In addition, digitized photographs are always produced on digital printers. Some printers will produce a photograph in which the dots are seen. Visible dots distort the image by making it look grainy. Acceptable photos have a continuous tone image that looks very photo-like.
Vending Machine photos are NOT acceptable.
Homemade Digital Photographs are not acceptable.
Save time and money by doing it right the first time at Williams Passport Photos & Visa Photos
Passport Photos and Visa Photos are ready in about 15 minutes
Open 7 days a week with appointment only. Passport photos or visa photos will be ready at the time of appointment.
Williams Passport Photos location is in Phoenix, AZ.
2328 E. Chanute Pass, Phoenix, AZ 85040
click here for immediate directions
appointment: call or text 480.862.9002
Posted in Chile Passport photos
Tagged australian immigration photos, canadian immigration photos, Chile Passport photos, chinese passport photos, Digital Photo Print, map of Chile, mexican passport photos, new zealand visa, pakistan passport picture, pan card photos, passport photo, poland passport photos, us immigration photos
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Chad Tourist, Business Visa photos
Chad Tourist Visa and Business Visa (4 pic)
- A valid passport with at least 6 months validity remaining
- 3 application forms fully completed and signed
- 3 passport-type photograph required
- A copy of the Green Card (front and back) or a valid visa back to the U.S. if the applicant is not a U.S. citizen
- Proof of sufficient funds during the intended stay in Chad
- Onward/return tickets or confirmed itinerary
By appointment only,
Call or text 480.862.9002
Passport Photos and Visa Photos are ready in about 15 minutes
Open 7 days a week with appointment only. Passport photos or visa photos will be ready at the time of appointment.
Williams Passport Photos location is in Phoenix, AZ.
2328 E. Chanute Pass, Phoenix, AZ 85040
click here for immediate directions
appointment: 480.862.9002
The Embassy of Chad
2002 R Street, NW
Washington, DC 20009
(202) 462-4009
Posted in Chad Tourist, Business Visa Photos
Tagged australian immigration photos, Business Visa Photos, Camera, canadian immigration photos, Chad Tourist, chinese passport photos, Digital Photo Print, egyptian embassy in us, map of Chad, new zealand passport photos, pakistan passport photos, pan card photos, Thailand work permit photos, us passport photos, visit Chad, work in pakistan
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Central African Republic Passport and Visa Photos
Photo Requirements:
Two recent 2 x 2 in. passport type photographs in color, front view and with a plain/light background.
By appointment only,
Call or text 480.862.9002
Passport Photos and Visa Photos are ready in about 15 minutes
Open 7 days a week with appointment only. Passport photos or visa photos will be ready at the time of appointment.
Williams Passport Photos location is in Phoenix, AZ.
2328 E. Chanute Pass, Phoenix, AZ 85040
click here for immediate directions
appointment: 480.862.9002
Posted in Central African Republic Passport Photos
Tagged australian immigration photos, canadian immigration photos, Central African Republic Passport Photos, chinese passport photos, immigration photos, pan card photos, passport photo, poland passport photos, us immigration photos, visit Vanatu
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Cameroon Passport Photos & Visa Photos
Passport Photo Requirements: (4 pic)
Four (4) passport-size photographs 2×2 in. with white background (both ears must be seen)
Visa Photo Requirements:
Two (2) passport-size photographs 2×2 in. with white background (both ears must be seen)
By appointment only,
Call now for an appointment for your passport photos or visa photos 480.862.9002
Passport Photos and Visa Photos are ready in about 15 minutes
Open 7 days a week with appointment only. Passport photos or visa photos will be ready at the time of appointment.
Williams Passport Photos location is in Phoenix, AZ.
2328 E. Chanute Pass, Phoenix, AZ 85040
click here for immediate directions
appointment: 480.862.9002
Posted in Cameroon Passport Photos
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Burundi Passport Photos & Burundi Visa Photos
Visa Photo Requirements
3 Passport-type photographs required (4 pic 2×2 in)
By appointment only,
Call now for an appointment for your passport photos or visa photos 480.862.9002
Passport Photos and Visa Photos are ready in about 15 minutes
Open 7 days a week with appointment only. Passport photos or visa photos will be ready at the time of appointment.
Williams Passport Photos location is in Phoenix, AZ.
2328 E. Chanute Pass, Phoenix, AZ 85040
click here for immediate directions
appointment: 480.862.9002
Posted in Burundi Passport Photos
Tagged australian immigration photos, Burundi Passport Photos, canadian immigration photos, Digital Photo Processing, indian passport photos, passport photo, us immigration photos, us passport photos, work visa new zealand
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Cambodia passport, visa photos
By appointment only,
Call now for an appointment for your passport photos or visa photos 480.862.9002
Passport Photos and Visa Photos are ready in about 15 minutes
Open 7 days a week with appointment only. Passport photos or visa photos will be ready at the time of appointment.
Williams Passport Photos location is in Phoenix, AZ.
2328 E. Chanute Pass, Phoenix, AZ 85040
click here for immediate directions
appointment: 480.862.9002
Cambodia Visa photos, หนังสือเดินทางภาพถ่าย
Visa Photo Requirement:
Two (2) current passport sized photo(2 x 2 inches)(51 x 51 mm)
US Visa application requires only one photo
Electronic Visa Application:
A recent passport-size photo in digital format (jpg format)
Posted in Cambodia passport photos
Tagged Cambodia passport photos, Cambodia visa photos, chinese passport photos, Korea Passport Photos, Korea Visa Photos, us passport photos, Vietnam passport photos, หนังสือเดินทางภาพถ่าย
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Slovenian Passport & Visa photos
![slovenian-passport-photos slovenian-passport-photos](
By appointment only,
Call now for an appointment for your passport photos or visa photos 480.862.9002
Passport Photos and Visa Photos are ready in about 15 minutes
Open 7 days a week with appointment only. Passport photos or visa photos will be ready at the time of appointment.
Williams Passport Photos location is in Phoenix, AZ.
2328 E. Chanute Pass, Phoenix, AZ 85040
click here for immediate directions
appointment: 480.862.9002
Photography requirements for SLOVENIAN passport: 2 pictures
- One photography is required.
- Size of the photography: 3.5 x 4.5 cm
- The face should occupy no more than 70% of the photography.
- On all 4 sides of the photography should be 3-5 mm of empty space from head to the edge.
- Photography may be black-and-white or color.
- Background color should be light brown or light blue, definitely not white or dark blue, ideally neutrally gray. For blond people use slightly darker gray background.
- For dark colored people use lighter gray background. Background should have no shades or patterns.
- Photography colors should be neutral and should clearly show natural skin tone.
- Photography should be printed on high-quality paper at a minimum of 600dpi.
- Cut the photography with square corners.
- The person should not show their teeth.
- Head should be straight, not at an angle or sideways, with nose in the center of the photography.
- The expression on the on the face should be neutral, lips closed, with look/in the camera.
- Sharpness and contrast are important; no read eyes.
- The face should be equally bright with no shades.
- For people wearing glasses… the frame should not cover their eyes and there should be no visible reflection on glasses.
- For kids… no parent’s hands or toys.
- For blond and white haired people… best to take a black and white picture.
Visa Photo Requirements
1 recent passport-size (35–45 mm) photographs (see Photograph Guidelines document). Please write your name on the back of each photo. DO NOT STAPLE the photos to your application form . See:
Slovenia is a member of the European Union, the Eurozone, the Schengen area,
Posted in Slovenian passport photos
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Ukraine passport photos
By appointment only,
Call now for an appointment for your passport photos or visa photos 480.862.9002
Passport Photos and Visa Photos are ready in about 15 minutes
Open 7 days a week with appointment only. Passport photos or visa photos will be ready at the time of appointment.
Williams Passport Photos location is in Phoenix, AZ.
2328 E. Chanute Pass, Phoenix, AZ 85040
click here for immediate directions
appointment: 480.862.9002
Passport Photo Requirements
1. Фотокартки для оформлення паспорта
Якість фотокарток:
На фотокартці має бути відображено крупним планом голову і верхню частину плечей. Обличчя повинне займати 70-80% вертикального розміру знімка (визначається візуально).
Фотокартка має бути зробленою на матовому папері високої якості з роздільною здатністю друку не менше 150 dpi.
Фотокартка не повинна мати дефектів (подряпин, вм’ятин, плям, слідів від фарби тощо).
Колір шкіри обличчя повинен бути природного кольору.
Особа на фотокартці має дивитися прямо на фотоапарат.
Стиль і освітлення:
Особа на фотокартці має бути зображена з відкритими і чітко видними очима; волосся не повинне затуляти очі.
Особа повинна бути зображена так, щоб обличчя трималося прямо проти фотоапарата і погляд не повинен бути через плече (портретний стиль). Голову потрібно тримати прямо.
Фотокартка повинна мати однотонний одноколірний світлий фон для забезпечення контрасту між обличчям і волоссям. Допускається світло-сірий, білий фон.
Ефекту «червоних очей» не повинно бути.
Освітлення повинно бути рівномірним, без тіней і відбиттів на обличчі. Обидві сторони обличчя повинні бути ясно видні.
Окуляри і головні убори:
Очі на фотографії повинні бути чітко видними; світло не повинно відбиватися в окулярах і лінзи не повинні бути темними. По можливості слід відмовлятися від великої оправи.
Оправа не повинна затуляти очі.
Головні убори не допускаються за виключенням випадків, конкретно передбачених компетентним державним органом. До таких випадків відносяться релігійні звичаї, медичні приписи чи культурні традиції.
Фотокартка дитини:
Дитина на фотокартці повинна бути зображена одна; спинка стільця чи іграшка не повинні бути видні. Дитина має дивитись на камеру з нейтральним виразом обличчя і закритим ротом.
Фотокартка немовляти по можливості має бути зроблена у відповідності до вищезазначених вимог. Немовля має бути сфотографоване у вертикальному положенні, однак допускається фотографування немовляти, що лежить на білому чи світло-сірому покривалі. У якості альтернативи немовля може бути сфотографоване в сидінні для дитини, але за його головою повинний бути білий чи світло-сірий фон. Очі дитини мають бути відкриті, рот закритий, а руки особи, що підтримує її, не повинно бути видно.
Photograph requirements
1. Photos for passport
Quality photos:
In the photograph should be displayed close-up head and upper shoulders. The face should cover 70-80% of the vertical size of the image (determined visually).
The photograph must be made on high quality print resolution of at least 150 dpi.
The photograph must not have defects (scratches, dents, stains, traces of paint, etc.).
Color of skin should be natural color.
The person in the photo should look directly at the camera.
Style and lighting:
The person in the photo should be shown with open and clearly visible eyes, hair should not obscure the eyes.
The person should be shown so that the face rested directly against the camera view and should not be over the shoulder (portrait style). Head should be kept straight.
Photographs must have a monochromatic light colored background to provide contrast between the face and hair. Safety light gray, white background.
Effect of “red eye” should not be.
Lighting should be uniform, without shadows and reflections on the face. Both sides of the face must be clearly visible.
Glasses and hats:
Eyes on photographs must be clearly visible, the light should not be reflected in the glasses and lenses should be dark. Possible should abandon large frame.
Frame should not obscure the eyes.
Hats are not permitted except as specifically provided by the competent public authority. These cases include religious practices, medical prescriptions or cultural traditions.
The photograph of the child:
The child in the photo should be shown one; chair or toy should not be seen. The child has to look at the camera with a neutral expression and your mouth closed.
The photograph of the baby as possible must be made in accordance with the above requirements. The baby should be photographed vertically, but allowed photographing baby lying on a white or light gray curtain. As an alternative, the baby can be photographed in the seat for a child, but his head must be white or light gray background. Eyes of a baby should be open, mouth closed, and the hands of the person who supports it should not be visible.
2. Фотокартка дитини для вклеювання в паспорт одного із батьків
2. The child’s photo for pasting in the passport of one of the parents
![image004 Ukrainian child passport photo size](
2. The child’s photo for pasting in the passport of one of the parents
![image004 Ukrainian child passport photo size](
child photo pasted in passport of one of the parents size:
- 2.5 cm x 3.5 cm
Visa Photo Requirements
- Size: 35 x 45 mm
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United Arab Emirates passport, Visa photos
دولة الإمارات العربية المتحدة
رجاِء الإتصال لحجز موعد التصوير
نتحدث العربية
By appointment only,
Call now for an appointment for your passport photos or visa photos 480.862.9002
Passport Photos and Visa Photos are ready in about 15 minutes
Open 7 days a week with appointment only. Passport photos or visa photos will be ready at the time of appointment.
Williams Passport Photos location is in Phoenix, AZ.
2328 E. Chanute Pass, Phoenix, AZ 85040
click here for immediate directions
appointment: 480.862.9002
UAE Passport photos
- Overall size of passport photo should be 45 x 55 mm
U.A.E Passport photos must have a head size between 31 to 35 mm
They must appear in clear/good quality
They must be printed on good quality photographic paper
Show the full face from the front view (both ears should be showing)
The passport photos must have been taken within the last six months
Color Photographs only, no Black and white
Consular or Official U.A.E. Visa Photo Requirements
Two original passport-sized photos 51 x 51 mm
U.A.E. Visa photos must have a head size between 25 to 35 mm
For a list of countries including Canada and the United States whose citizens do not need tourist or transit visas : coming soon
Embassy of the UAE
125 Boteler St.
Ottawa , ON
K1N 0A4
Tel: 613-565-7272
Fax: 613-565-8007
Posted in United Arab Emirates passport photos
Tagged australian immigration photos, Boudoir photography, canadian immigration photos, canadian passport photos, chinese passport photos, Digital Camera, Digital Photo Album, Digital Photo Processing, find job in new zealand, find job in UAE, fly to UAE, fly to Vanatu, immigration photos, mexican passport photos, new zealand visa, pan card photos, Passport, passport photo, passport photos, poland passport photos, United Arab Emirates passport photos, us immigration photos, us passport photos, vfs photos, visa to uae, visit italy, visit new zealand, visit pakistan, visit spain, visit UAE, visit usa, visit Vanatu, work in pakistan
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Uzbekistan passport photos
By appointment only,
Call now for an appointment for your passport photos or visa photos 480.862.9002
Passport Photos and Visa Photos are ready in about 15 minutes
Open 7 days a week with appointment only. Passport photos or visa photos will be ready at the time of appointment.
Williams Passport Photos location is in Phoenix, AZ.
2328 E. Chanute Pass, Phoenix, AZ 85040
click here for immediate directions
appointment: 480.862.9002
2 of 3 x 4 cm
6 of 3.5 x 4.5 cm
Map of Uzbekistan
Uzbekistan has an area of 447,400 square kilometres (172,700 sq mi). It is the 56th largest country in the world by area and the 42nd by population.[22]Among the CIS countries, it is the 4th largest by area and the 2nd largest by population.[23]
Uzbekistan lies between latitudes 37° and 46° N, and longitudes 56° and 74° E. It stretches 1,425 kilometres (885 mi) from west to east and 930 kilometres (580 mi) from north to south. Bordering Kazakhstan and the Aral Sea to the north and northwest, Turkmenistan to the southwest, Tajikistan to the southeast, and Kyrgyzstan to the northeast, Uzbekistan is one of the largest Central Asian states and the only Central Asian state to border all the other four. Uzbekistan also shares a short border (less than 150 km or 93 mi) with Afghanistan to the south.
Uzbekistan is a dry, landlocked country. It is one of two doubly landlocked countries in the world (that is, a country completely surrounded by landlocked countries), the other being Liechtenstein. In addition, due to its location within a series of endorheic basins, none of its rivers lead to the sea. Less than 10% of its territory is intensively cultivated irrigated land in river valleys and oases. The rest is vast desert (Kyzyl Kum) and mountains.
The highest point in Uzbekistan is the Khazret Sultan, at 4,643 metres (15,233 ft) above sea level, in the southern part of the Gissar Range in Surkhandarya Province, on the border with Tajikistan, just northwest of Dushanbe (formerly called Peak of the 22nd Congress of the Communist Party).[23]
The climate in Uzbekistan is continental, with little precipitation expected annually (100–200 millimetres, or 3.9–7.9 inches). The average summer high temperature tends to be 40 °C (104 °F), while the average winter low temperature is around −23 °C (−9 °F).[24]
Posted in Uzbekistan passport photos
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Vanuatu passport photos (2 pic)
By appointment only,
Call now for an appointment for your passport photos or visa photos 480.862.9002
Passport Photos and Visa Photos are ready in about 15 minutes
Open 7 days a week with appointment only. Passport photos or visa photos will be ready at the time of appointment.
Williams Passport Photos location is in Phoenix, AZ.
2328 E. Chanute Pass, Phoenix, AZ 85040
click here for immediate directions
appointment: 480.862.9002
Visa Photo Requirements
Most countries are exempted from Visa requirements. Those that require a visa will need one(1) passport sized photograph
Posted in Vanatu passport photos
Tagged australian immigration photos, Boudoir photography, cairo, Camera, canadian immigration photos, canadian passport photos, china passport photos, Digital Camera, Digital Photo, Digital Photo Album, Digital Photo Processing, egyptian embassy in us, fly to Vanatu, immigration photos, mexican passport photos, new zealand passport photos, pan card photos, us immigration photos, vfs photos, visa pictures, visit egypt, visit italy, visit new zealand, visit pakistan, visit spain, visit usa, visit Vanatu, work in pakistan, work visa new zealand
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Venezuelan passport, Visa photos
By appointment only,
Call now for an appointment for your passport photos or visa photos 480.862.9002
Passport Photos and Visa Photos are ready in about 15 minutes
Open 7 days a week with appointment only. Passport photos or visa photos will be ready at the time of appointment.
Williams Passport Photos location is in Phoenix, AZ.
2328 E. Chanute Pass, Phoenix, AZ 85040
click here for immediate directions
appointment: 480.862.9002
Passport Photo Requirements
- 4 recent photos of the applicant. The size must be 35×45 mm.
- They must have been taken not less than three months from the date of the application and at least two of the photographs must be signed by the photographer verifying their authenticity;
- Three (3) photographs of the face, passport-sized 2″x 2″ (4 pic)
Visa Photo Requirements (2 pic)
Two (2) front pictures 2’x 2′
Posted in Venezuela passport photos
Tagged australian immigration photos, Boudoir photography, Camera, canadian immigration photos, canadian passport photos, china passport photos, chinese passport photos, Digital Camera, Digital Photo, Digital Photo Album, find job in new zealand, immigration photos, mexican passport photos, new zealand passport photos, pakistan passport picture, pan card photos, us immigration photos, us passport photos, veneswala passport photos, Venezuela passport photos, venezuelan passport photo, vfs photos, visa photos, visit egypt, visit italy, visit japan, visit spain, visit usa, work in pakistan, work visa new zealand
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Vietnam Passport, Visa photos
By appointment only,
Call now for an appointment for your passport photos or visa photos 480.862.9002
Passport Photos and Visa Photos are ready in about 15 minutes
Open 7 days a week with appointment only. Passport photos or visa photos will be ready at the time of appointment.
Williams Passport Photos location is in Phoenix, AZ.
2328 E. Chanute Pass, Phoenix, AZ 85040
click here for immediate directions
1 – You can not wear any kind of glasses when taking these photos.
2 – Veins, hats and scarfs are strictly prohibited, and any other accessories that cover your ears or foreheads
Passport Photo Requirements
3 pic. 4 x 6 cm,
white background,
look straight at camera.
Visa Photo Requirements
2 pic. 4 x 6 cm
The form must be completed, signed and attached with with 01 original photo (4 x 6 cm) . In case of a loose-leaf-visa request, 01 additional photo must be stapled to the form.
Posted in Vietnam passport photos
Tagged australian immigration photos, canadian immigration photos, canadian passport photos, china passport photos, Digital Camera, Digital Photo Print, immigration photos, mexican passport photos, new zealand passport photos, new zealand visa, pakistan visa, Vietnam passport photos, Vietnamese passport photos, visit egypt, visit new zealand, visit pakistan, work visa new zealand
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Zambia passport photos
By appointment only,
Call now for an appointment for your passport photos or visa photos 480.862.9002
Passport Photos and Visa Photos are ready in about 15 minutes
Open 7 days a week with appointment only. Passport photos or visa photos will be ready at the time of appointment.
Williams Passport Photos location is in Phoenix, AZ.
2328 E. Chanute Pass, Phoenix, AZ 85040
click here for immediate directions
appointment: 480.862.9002
Zambia Visa Photo Requirements
2 2″ x 2″ recent passport size photographs.
Please SIGN on the back of each photograph and staple one photo to each application form.
Posted in Zambia passport photos
Tagged australian immigration photos, canadian immigration photos, canadian passport photos, china passport photos, Digital Camera, Digital Photo Album, immigration photos, mexican passport photos, new zealand visa, pakistan passport photos, pan card photos, us immigration photos, us passport photos, visit italy, visit japan, visit new zealand, visit spain, visit usa, work visa new zealand, Zambia passport photos
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Burkina Faso passport photos
By appointment only,
Call now for an appointment for your passport photos or visa photos 480.862.9002
Passport Photos and Visa Photos are ready in about 15 minutes
Open 7 days a week with appointment only. Passport photos or visa photos will be ready at the time of appointment.
Williams Passport Photos location is in Phoenix, AZ.
2328 E. Chanute Pass, Phoenix, AZ 85040
click here for immediate directions
Williams Passport Photos location is in Phoenix, AZ.
2328 E. Chanute Pass, Phoenix, AZ 85040
click here for immediate directions
appointment: 480.862.9002
Passport Photo Requirements: (4 pic 2×2 in)
three (3) passport photos in profile
Visa Photo Requirements: (2 pic 2×2 in)
two (2) passport-size photos;
Posted in Burkina Faso passport photos
Tagged australian immigration photos, Camera, canadian immigration photos, canadian passport photos, china passport photos, chinese passport photos, Digital Camera, Digital Photo, Digital Photo Album, Digital Photo Print, Digital Photo Processing, egyptian embassy in us, Egyptian missions in the US, new zealand visa, pakistan passport photos, pakistan passport picture, pan card photos, us immigration photos
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Botswana passport photos
By appointment only,
Call now for an appointment for your passport photos or visa photos 480.862.9002
Passport Photos and Visa Photos are ready in about 15 minutes
Open 7 days a week with appointment only. Passport photos or visa photos will be ready at the time of appointment.
Williams Passport Photos location is in Phoenix, AZ.
2328 E. Chanute Pass, Phoenix, AZ 85040
click here for immediate directions
appointment: 480.862.9002
Passport Photo Requirements
The photographs should be taken full face – head and shoulders without a hat/doek.
The size should not be more than 63 mm by 50 mm (2 ½ inches by 2 inches) or less than 52 mm by 37 mm (2 inches by 1 ½ inches).
They should be printed on normal thin photographic paper and unmounted.
Applicant must submit the application together with two identical photographs of him/herself, the photographs must be sufficiently recent, not more than six months old, to be a good likeness of and satisfactorily identify the applicant.
Passport photographs are acceptable either in color or black and white.
Visa Photo Requirements
Two passport size photos.
Posted in Botswana passport photos
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Bosnia passport & Visa photos
By appointment only,
Call now for an appointment for your passport photos or visa photos 480.862.9002
Passport Photos and Visa Photos are ready in about 15 minutes
Open 7 days a week with appointment only. Passport photos or visa photos will be ready at the time of appointment.
Williams Passport Photos location is in Phoenix, AZ.
2328 E. Chanute Pass, Phoenix, AZ 85040
click here for immediate directions
appointment: 480.862.9002
Passport (Traveling Certificate) Photo Requirement
Two photos (dimensions 3.5 x 4.5 cm)
Visa Photo Requirements 2 pic
One passport size picture. (dimensions 3.5 x 4.5 cm)
The following countries do not need a visa to visit. Please check website to confirm:
Posted in Bosnia passport photos
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Bolivia passport, Visa photos
By appointment only,
Call now for an appointment for your passport photos or visa photos 480.862.9002
Passport Photos and Visa Photos are ready in about 15 minutes
Open 7 days a week with appointment only. Passport photos or visa photos will be ready at the time of appointment.
Williams Passport Photos location is in Phoenix, AZ.
2328 E. Chanute Pass, Phoenix, AZ 85040
click here for immediate directions
Passport Photo Requirements
Two photos 5 x 5 cm photograph, glued or stapled to the application form. The photograph must have been taken within the last six months.
Visa Photo Requirements: 2 pic
Submit 1 passport photograph 5 x 5 cm taken by a passport photographer.
Digital and non-passport photographs are not acceptable.
Eye glasses can NOT be worn for the picture. The Embassy of Bolivia will not accept photos with applicant in eye glasses
Photo Requirements
Pale color or white background
Full face, front view
The photos must be identical
The photos must have been taken within the last six months
Photographs retouched so that your image is changed are unacceptable
Do not wear a hat unless for religious reasons (if so, please include and explanation)
Wear normal day-to-day attire. Do not wear uniforms
If you normally wear a wig, hearing aid wear them for the photo
Posted in Bolivian passport photos
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Benin passport, visa photos
By appointment only,
Call now for an appointment for your passport photos or visa photos 480.862.9002
Passport Photos and Visa Photos are ready in about 15 minutes
Open 7 days a week with appointment only. Passport photos or visa photos will be ready at the time of appointment.
Williams Passport Photos location is in Phoenix, AZ.
2328 E. Chanute Pass, Phoenix, AZ 85040
click here for immediate directions
appointment: 480.862.9002
Passport Photo Requirements
Both ears should be clear
No Pins on nose or lips
New passport: Four (4) passport size photo.
Renewal: Three (3) passport size photo.
Extension: Two (2) passport size photo.
Visa Photo Requirements
One(1) passport size photo. (you receive 2 pic.)
2124 Kalamazoo Road N. W.
Tel: (202) 232-6656
Fax: (202) 265-1996
Fax: (202) 232-2611
Posted in Benin passport photos
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Belgium passport photos & Visa photos
Get directions
By appointment only,
Call now for an appointment for your passport photos or visa photos 480.862.9002
Passport Photos and Visa Photos are ready in about 15 minutes
Open 7 days a week with appointment only. Passport photos or visa photos will be ready at the time of appointment.
Williams Passport Photos location is in Phoenix, AZ.
2328 E. Chanute Pass, Phoenix, AZ 85040
click here for immediate directions
appointment: 480.862.9002
Passport Photo Requirements
Two recent photographs of the applicant (3.5 cm x 4.5 cm)
Photographs should be portrait-style and the applicant should not, as a rule, be wearing any headgear.
Headgear may be permitted for religious or medical reasons provided that the face is completely visible.
The forehead, cheeks, eyes, nose and chin should not be obstructed in any way. Preferably, but not necessarily, the hair and ears should also be exposed. On the photograph, the head should occupy a minimum area of 2.5 cm and a maximum of 3.5 cm. The background should be light and uniform. The first name and surname of the applicant should be written clearly on the back of the photograph. Photographs must be in color black-and-white photographs are no longer acceptable
Identity Card Photo Requirements
Two passport photographs must be recent and of excellent quality. The photos should measure 35 x 45 mm. The length of the face (hair included) should be no smaller than 25 mm or longer than 35 mm. The background should be one light uniform color (white, light grey, light yellow or light blue). Photos with shadows or color changes are not acceptable.
Posted in Belgium passport photos
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Belarus passport- Visa photos
By appointment only,
Call for appointment 480.862.9002
Photos ready in about 15 minutes
Open 7 days a week.
Williams Passport Photos only one location in Phoenix, AZ.
2328 E. Chanute Pass, Phoenix, AZ 85040
click here for immediate directions
Belarus passport photos
4 identical Uncut Photos Made in the last 6 months, on a flat white background , full face, Width: 40 mm, Height: 50 mm
Head height (up to the crown of the head): 33 mm; Distance from top the of the photo to the top of the hair: 3.75 mm
Belarus Visa Photo Requirements (4 pic)
One photograph of the applicant should be attached (stapled or pasted) to the marked space at the upper right-hand corner of the application form. Do not staple the face.
The photograph must meet the following requirements:
- taken within the last 6 months;
- in color;
- professionally printed in high quality on photo paper;
- 45 mm high by 35 mm wide;
- in sharp focus and clear;
- taken on plain, light and evenly lit background;
- taken in full-face view directly facing the camera;
- with a neutral facial expression and both eyes open;
- with no shadows, glare, noise or distortion on the image or background;
- sized such that the face takes 70–80% of the photograph;
- with no ink marks, tears or creases;
- must not be retouched.
1. Заявление.
2. Паспорт заявителя.
3. Четыре цветные фотографии, соответствующие возрасту, размером 40х50 мм, длина изображения лица от 32 до 35 мм (одним листом).
4. Документ, выданный компетентным органом государства постоянного проживания, подтверждающий право заявителя на проживание (разрешение на проживание либо паспорт гражданина ФРГ).
5. Свидетельство о рождении заявителя.
6. Свидетельство о рождении ребенка заявителя – в случае, если заявитель имеет ребенка, не достигшего 18-летнего возраста.
7. Свидетельство о заключении брака – в случае, если заявитель состоит в браке.
8. Свидетельство о расторжении брака (копия решения суда) – в случае расторжения заявителем брака.
9. Свидетельство о перемене имени – в случае перемены заявителем фамилии, собственного имени, отчества.
10. Справка о прописке в ФРГ.
11. Документ, подтверждающий внесение консульского сбора.
Сумма консульского сбора составляет 40 евро.Перечень документов для выдачи паспорта гражданину Беларуси, не достигшему 14-летнего возраста, (подаются законным представителем несовершеннолетнего):
1. Заявление.
2. Паспорт несовершеннолетнего (при наличии).
3. Паспорт или иной документ, удостоверяющий личность законного представителя несовершеннолетнего.
4. Четыре цветные фотографии несовершеннолетнего, соответствующие его возрасту, размером 40х50 мм, длина изображения лица от 32 до 35 мм (одним листом).
5. Свидетельство о рождении несовершеннолетнего.
6. Документ, выданный компетентным органом государства постоянного проживания, подтверждающий право несовершеннолетнего на проживание (разрешение на проживание либо паспорт гражданина ФРГ).
7. Справка о прописке в ФРГ.
Выдача паспорта производится бесплатно
Posted in Belarus passport photos
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Bangladesh passport photos
By appointment only,
Call now 480.862.9002
Photos ready in about 15 minutes.
Open 7 days a week.
Williams Passport Photos one location only in Phoenix, AZ.
2328 E. Chanute Pass, Phoenix, AZ 85040
click here for immediate directions
Bangladesh passport photos & Bangladesh Visa photos:
Passport Photo Requirements
4 (four) 40 x 50 mm / passport size photographs. (two photographs on each of the application form)
Visa Photo Requirements
2 pictures 37 mm X 37 mm
Posted in Bangladesh passport photos
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Zimbabwe passport, Visa photos
By appointment only,Call now for an appointment 480.862.9002
Passport Photos and Visa Photos are ready in about 15 minutes
Open 7 days a week by appointment only. Passport photos or visa photos will be ready at the time of appointment.
Williams Passport Photos location is in Phoenix, AZ.
2328 E. Chanute Pass, Phoenix, AZ 85040
click here for immediate directions
appointment: 480.862.9002
Passport and Visa photos must conform to the internationally agreed Bio metric Standard for passports.
Please bring an example or a set of specifications for your requirements.
Zimbabwe Passport Photo Requirements listed below:
Two identical recent color photographs are required for your passport application
The photos must be sized at 3.5 x 4.5 cm
The background must be white and shadow less
There should be no shadows on the face in the passport photo
Photo booth photos are unacceptable for passport applications
The applicant should wear a dark top, a shirt or dress to provide contrast
Zimbabwe passport photo specifications state that artificial hair or braids are unacceptable
Zimbabwe Visa Photo Requirements listed below:
According to authorities of Zimbabwe, non passport photos are unacceptable’. Photos must be made in a passport capable of taking two identical photos simultaneously.
Zimbabwe Visa photos comply to the standard US Visa type photos
Posted in Zimbabwe passport photos
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USCIS Citizenship, INS Immigration photos from
USCIS and INS Photos Start $30
Looking for high quality and affordable USCIS AND INS photos? You’ve come to the right place! As a professional photography business we provide customers with the best digital photographic and printing equipment.
Passport Photos and Visa Photos are ready in about 15 minutes
Open 7 days a week by appointment only. Passport photos or visa photos will be ready at the time of appointment.
Williams Passport Photos location is in Phoenix, AZ.
2328 E. Chanute Pass, Phoenix, AZ 85040
click here for immediate directions
Williams Passport Photos location is in Phoenix, AZ.
2328 E. Chanute Pass, Phoenix, AZ 85040
click here for immediate directions
appointment: 480.862.9002
In accordance with language specified in the Border Security Act of 2003, U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) announced a change in the photo requirements for all applicants from a three-quarter face position to a standard, full-frontal face position to take effect August 2, 2004.
USCIS will accept both three-quarter and full-frontal color photographs until September 1, 2004, after which only full-frontal color will be accepted.
The application process of customers who have already submitted materials that include color photos with the three-quarter standard will not be affected by this change.
All photos must be of just the person. Where more than one photo is required, all photos of the person must be identical. All photos must meet the specifications for full-frontal/passport photos.
For more information on photo standards, visit the Department of State website at, or contact the USCIS National Customer Service Center at 1 800 375 5283.
For more information, please visit the USCIS and INS web site
Please bring an example or a set of specifications for your requirements.
Photo Requirements listed below:
Digital jpg file 600 x 600 (upload on-line)
OR: Printed
• Digital Photos: Digitally reproduced photographs must be reproduced without discernible pixels or dot patterns. Photocopied photographs are NOT accepted.
• The photos must be 2 x 2 inch and
• A white background must be used
• The ears must be visible in INS (USCIS) photos
• INS (USCIS) photos photos must be no more than 30 days old
• Glossy finish is required for INS (USCIS) photos
• The image of the head must be between one and one and a quarters inches
Applications and Petitions That Require Photos, and the Number Required
2 photos are required for the following forms:
I-90 – Renew or replace your Permanent Resident Card (green card)
I-131 – Re-entry permit, refugee travel document, or advance parole
I-485 – Adjust status and become a permanent resident while in the U.S.
I-765 – Employment Authorization/Employment Authorization Document (EAD)
I-777 – Replace Northern Mariana Card
I-821 – Temporary Protected Status (TPS) Program
N-300 – Declaration of Intent (to apply for U.S. citizenship)
N-400 – Naturalization (to become a U.S. citizen)
N-565 – Replace Naturalization/Citizenship Certificate
3 photos are required for the following forms: (4 pic)
I-698 – Temporary Resident’s application under the 1987 Legalization Program for permanent resident status — file 1 photo for your application, and bring the other 2 with you to your interview
N-600K – To apply for U.S. citizenship for foreign-born child residing abroad with U.S. citizen parent
4 photos are required for the following forms:
I-817 – To apply for Family Unity Benefits
I-881 – NACARA — suspension of deportation or special rule cancellation File the following with your photos and of others as shown below:
I-129F – Fiancé (e) Petition — file with 1 photo of you + 1 photo of fiance (e)
I-130 – Relative petition — if filing for your husband or wife, file with 1 photo of you + 1 photo of your husband or wife
I-589 – Asylum — file with 1 photo of you + 1 photo of each family member listed in Part A. II that you are including in your application
I-730 – Relative petition filed by a person granted Asylum or Refugee status — file with 1 photo of the family member for whom you are filing the I-730
I-914 – ‘T’ non immigrant status — file with 3 photos of you + 3 photos of each immediate family member for which you file an I-914A supplement
All photos must be of just the person. Where more than one photo is required, all photos of the person must be identical.
All photos must meet the specifications for full-frontal/passport photos.
For more information, visit our website at, or call our customer service at 1 800.375.5283.
Posted in US-INS (USCIS) photos
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US Visa Photos
By appointment only, Call now for an appointment for your passport photos or visa photos 480.862.9002
Passport Photos and Visa Photos are ready in about 15 minutes.
Open 7 days a week by appointment only. Passport photos or visa photos will be ready at the time of appointment.
Williams Passport Photos location is in Phoenix, AZ.
2328 E. Chanute Pass, Phoenix, AZ 85040
click here for immediate directions
Williams Passport Photos location is in Phoenix, AZ.
2328 E. Chanute Pass, Phoenix, AZ 85040
click here for immediate directions
appointment: 480.862.9002
We have a purpose built professional passport studio, with professional lighting, camera equipment and state of the art digital photographic printers. This means that a trip to our studio in Phoenix for your US visa photos will be hassle free. Within minutes of walking in , you will be holding a set of high quality US Visa photos in your hand that conform to all relevant US Visa regulations
You need to book an appointment and we are open 7 days a week.
- 2 x 2 in (50 x 50 mm) photos are required for US Visa
- Frame subject with full face, front view, eyes open
- Make sure photo presents full head from top of hair to bottom of chin; height of head should measure 1 inch to 1-3/8 inches (25 mm to 35 mm)
- For US visa photos, center head within frame
- Make sure eye height is between 1-1/8 inches to 1-3/8 inches (28 mm and 35 mm) from bottom of photo
- Photograph subject against a plain white or off-white background
- Position subject and lighting so that there are no distracting shadows
- You must have a natural expression
US digital (jpg file) 600 x 600 pixels
(pre approved through us immigration department)
US Visa Photos – General Info
A US visa is issued by a U.S. Embassy or Consulate. A visa entitles the holder to travel to the United States and apply for admission; it does not guarantee entry. An immigration inspector at the port of entry determines the visa holder’s eligibility for admission into the United States.
A US visa is issued by a U.S. Embassy or Consulate. A visa entitles the holder to travel to the United States and apply for admission; it does not guarantee entry. An immigration inspector at the port of entry determines the visa holder’s eligibility for admission into the United States.
Anyone who is not eligible to enter the United States visa free under the US Visa Waiver Program or is not exempt from the US visa requirement. Please note: Travelers born in the United States and those who hold dual citizenship with the United States must enter and depart the United States on US passports.
Posted in US Visa Photos
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USA Passport Photos
call us if you need help to find Passport Acceptance Facilities Near You, or to renew your passport
By appointment only, Call now for an appointment 480.862.9002 .
US Passport Photos and US Visa Photos are ready in about 15 minutes.
Open 7 days a week by appointment only. Passport photos or visa photos will be ready at the time of appointment.
Williams Passport Photos location is in Phoenix, AZ.
2328 E. Chanute Pass, Phoenix, AZ 85040
click here for immediate directions
appointment: 480.862.9002
Our US Passport photos conform to the internationally agreed Bio metric Standard for US passports.
Please bring an example or a set of specifications for your requirements.
USA Passport Application
The head size (measured from the top of the hair to the bottom of the chin) should measure between 1 inch to 1 3/8 inches (25 mm to 35 mm) with the eye level between 1 1/8 inch to 1 3/8 inches (28 mm and 35 mm) from the bottom of the photo.
- The US passport photograph must be a full view of the face
- You must face directly into the camera for Us Passport Photos
- US passport photos must be 2 by 2 inches (roughly 50 mm square)
- Your head must be centered in the US passport photo
- You should not look down or to either side of your photo
- Your face should cover about 50 percent of the photo area.
- Side and angled views of your face are not acceptable for US Passport photos
- USA Passport photographs should be in color
- The US passport photo must have been taken against a white or off-white background.
- Photos with dark or patterned backgrounds will not be accepted.
- It is preferable that your ears are exposed. in US Passport Photos
- Head coverings and hats are only for religious reasons in your USA Passport Photos
- Photos of military, airline, or other personnel wearing hats are not acceptable
- Photographs of applicants wearing tribal or national costume is not acceptable
- Sunglasses or other wear which detracts from the face are not acceptable
- Veils and face masks which inhibit identification cannot be worn in US passport photos
Helpful Links for new U.S. passport or renew U.S. passport:
Posted in US passport photos
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US Green card Photos
US Green card digital photo jpg format 600 X 600 pix
2 US Green card photos printed on Commercial Hi quality photo paper
Looking for high quality and affordable green card photos? You’ve come to the right place! As a professional photography business we provide customers with the best digital photographic and printing equipment.
Passport Acceptance Facilities Near You
U.S. Government Passport FAQ
U.S. Department of State Passport Application
By appointment only, Call now for an appointment for your passport photos or visa photos 480.862.9002
Open 7 days a week with appointment only. Passport photos or visa photos will be ready at the time of appointment.
Williams Passport Photos location is in Phoenix, AZ.
2328 E. Chanute Pass, Phoenix, AZ 85040
click here for immediate directions
for appointment: 480.862.9002
Requirements listed below:
The format for Green-card photos changes depending on how you are applying for your Green-card.
by Email Applications Digital (jpg file):
•The image must be in JPEG format.
•The image can either be color or black and white
•The dimensions must be 600 pixels high by 600 pixels wide
•It must be no bigger than 240 KB in size
By mail or in person:
•The image size must be 2 inches by 2 inches (50 mm x 50 mm) square
•Hi resolution digital cameras or a film camera must be used
•The image can be color or black and white
•Home printing on an ink jet printer is unacceptable
•Commercial quality photo paper must be used
Specific Requirements for Green Card Photos:
•The Applicant must be directly facing the camera
•The head should not be tilted up, down or to the side,
•The head should cover about 50% to 60% of the area of the photo.
•Green card Photos require a white or light colored background
•Neutral expressions are best. Showing teeth is unacceptable
•Two identical unaltered photos are required
•Flash Reflections on skin is unacceptable
•The photo must be sharply focused and well exposed showing a full range of skin tones
•Green Card Photos which are too dark, too light or unclear are unacceptable
•Photos in which the person being photographed is wearing sunglasses or excessive jewelry etc which detracts from the face will not be accepted.
•Religious head coverings or hats are acceptable but must not obscure the face
•Photos with tribal headgear not specifically religious in nature is not acceptable.
•Photos of military, airline or other personnel wearing hats will not be accepted.
Posted in US Green Card photos
Tagged Commercial quality photo paper, greencard jpg 600x600, US Green Card photos, us greencard digital jpg format, us immigration photos, us passport photos, work permit photos
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British Passport, Visa digital jpg file.
Open 7 days a week, By appointment only 480.862.9002
Photos ready in about 15 minutes
Williams Passport Photos location is in Phoenix, AZ.
2328 E. Chanute Pass, Phoenix, AZ 85040
click here for immediate directions
UK Passport and Visa Photo Requirements:
Need to upload a digital jpg (soft copy file) for your UK passport photo, we will send it to your email address.
Two identical photos are required for UK passport applications
The passport photos must be 35 x 45 mm
The background must be light gray
The passport photo must stand out clearly against the background
Passport photos must be printed on low gloss high quality photographic paper
Passport photos you submit must copyright free
The photos must be undamaged, ie. no creases caused by paper clips
Other people of objects must not be visible in your passport photos
The head size in the UK passport photo must measure between 29 and 34 mm
The above measurement is from the bottom of the chin to the top of the head (without hair)
There must be no writing on the back or the front of UK Passport Photos
The passport and visa photos must be properly focused and clear
Professional printing is required. for British Passport Photos
No shadows are allowed in UK passport and visa photos
You must be facing forwards and looking straight into the camera
You expression must be neutral in you British passport photo
Do not show your teeth and keep your mouth closed for UK Passport Photos
No grinning, raised eyebrows and frowning
Your eyes must be open and clearly visible in British Passport Photos
There must be no hair obscuring your eyes, sunglasses or tinted glasses
There must no flash reflections from glasses in UK Passport photos
The frame of the glasses must not cover up any part of your eyes
We advise our customers to remove their glasses for their UK passport photos
Head coverings are allowed only for religious or medical reasons in UK passport photos
UK Passport Photo Requirements for children under age 5:
– The photo must be clear and show a true likeness of the child
– A neutral expression is not required for a UK passport photo
– Reflections and glare on spectacle are acceptable
– The head of the child can be at an angle
– Children do not need are not required to look straight into the camera
Baby Passport Photos: If under one year of age, baby does not need to have eyes open and there should be no supporting hands visible.
Photo size for children over six are the same for adults but the head size can be between 21 mm and 34 mm.
Posted in UK passport photos
Tagged australian immigration photos, british passport photo, british passport photos, canadian immigration photos, chinese passport photos, Digital Camera, immigration photos, indian passport photos, mexican passport photos, pan card photos, poland passport photos, UK passport photos, vfs photos, visit japan, visit spain, work permit photos
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Tobago/Trinidad Passport & Visa Photos
By appointment only, Call now for an appointment 480.862.9002
Passport Photos and Visa Photos are ready in about 15 minutes
Open 7 days a week with appointment only. Passport photos or visa photos will be ready at the time of appointment.
Williams Passport Photos location is in Phoenix, AZ.
2328 E. Chanute Pass, Phoenix, AZ 85040
click here for immediate directions
for appointment: 480.862.9002
Trinidad Passport Photo Requirements:
Passport Photo Requirements:
- TWO (2) PASSPORT PHOTOS (31 mm wide and 41 mm high)
- Applicants for the Machine-Readable Passport are not required to submit photographs. In all such cases there will be live image capture at the Immigration Office. For the issue of any subsequent Machine Readable Passport, you must submit two identical photographs which must meet the photograph specifications attached.
- Do not pin, staple or glue photographs to the application.
- Submit two (2) unmounted colored photographs showing a full front view of applicant’s face with eyes open and without dark glasses, unless there is a physical disability. Headdress may be accepted only in keeping with religious customs or for medical reasons. In all cases, full facial features from bottom of chin to top of forehead must be clearly visible.
- Photographs should measure 31 mm wide and 41 mm high
- Photographs must have been taken within the last 6 months.Passport Renewal: See URL:
- Vending machine photos are not generally acceptable.
Please DO NOT staple, fasten or glue your photos to the application form.Your identical photographs must be:
- Identical Photos
- Taken within the past 6 months, showing current appearance
- Color or black and white with a light background
- Clear with a full front view of your face
- The size of the head must be between 1 inch and 1 3/8 inches or 2.5 to 3 cm from the bottom of the chin to the top of the head
- Taken in normal daily attire or religious attire
- Do not wear a hat or headgear that obscures the hair or hairline unless it is worn for religious reasons
- If you normally wear prescription glasses, clear contacts or a hearing device or similar articles, they may be worn for your picture. Other dark or tinted lenses are not acceptable
- The back of ONE of your photographs must be certified by your recommended with the words “I certify that this is a true likeness of the applicant or child, ******* (state name)” and signed by the recommended.
Visa Photo Requirements:
- One (1) Photo (5.3 cm x 4.3 cm) (2 pic)
Posted in Trinidad & Tobago passport photos
Tagged australian immigration photos, Camera, canadian immigration photos, canadian passport photos, chinese passport photos, Digital Photo Album, egyptian embassy in us, find job in new zealand, immigration photos, mexican passport photos, new zealand visa, pakistan passport photos, passport photos, Tobago/Trinidad Passport Photos, us immigration photos, visa photos, visit spain, work visa new zealand
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Tonga Passport & Visa Photos
By appointment only,
Call now for appointment 480.862.9002
Passport Photos and Visa Photos are ready in about 15 minutes
Open 7 days a week with appointment only. Passport photos or visa photos will be ready at the time of appointment.
Williams Passport Photos location is in Phoenix, AZ.
2328 E Chanute Pass
phoenix, AZ 85040
for appointment: 480.862.9002
Tongan Passport & Visa Photo Requirements:
• One photo is needed for non-immigrant Tonga visas
• Two photos are needed for Tonga immigrant visas and U.S. passport applications.
• Tonga passport and Visa photo measurements are 2×2 inches in size
• The Tongan Passport Photos should be identical
• Tonga Passport photos need to be taken within the past 6 months
• Color or black and white photos are acceptable for Tonga passport and visa applications
• The photos should be full face, front view with a plain white or off-white background
• Between 1 inch and 1 3/8 inches from the bottom of the chin to the top of the head
• The passport photos should show normal street attire
• Uniforms should not be worn in photographs except religious attire that is worn daily.
• Do not wear a hat or headgear that obscures the hair or hairline.
• Dark glasses or nonprescription glasses with tinted lenses are not acceptable
Posted in Tonga Passport Photos
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Thailand Passport, Visa, work permit photos
Call now for an appointment 480.862.9002
address: 2328 E. Chanute Pass, Phoenix AZ 85040
Passport and Visa photos must conform to the internationally agreed Bio metric Standard for passports.
Thai Passport Photo Requirements:
•Two photos taken by a passport photographer required
•The photos must be identical and taken within the last 6 months
•The photo must be in color only.
•A light background, white or off white is required for Thai Passport Photos
•Your facial features should clearly distinguishable against the background
•It should be a close-up of your head and shoulders
•Your face should cover 70-80% of the overall passport photo
•Thai passport photos should be 45 x 35 mm
•The passport photographs must be clear and in sharp focus
•Digital or scanned photographs should be printed at 1200 dpi resolution or better.
•There must not be any shadows in the photo either on the face or background
•There must be no reflection on spectacles if worn
•The eyes must not be obscured by sunglasses, hair across the eyes etc
•Your face must be looking directly at the camera with eyes open
•Your mouth must be closed, showing no teeth
•Thai passport state that you must have neutral expression
•Your face should be uncovered with no hats or head covering for Thai passport photos
Thai Visa Photo Requirements
•Thai visa applications require two photos
•Thailand specifies a size of 50 x 50 mm
•Photostat or Photocopies are unacceptable
•Thai visa photos must have a light colored background
•The visa photo must be a full face view of the person
•Wearing a hat or dark glasses is not allowed
•Thai Visa Photos must have been taken recently (within 6 months)
Getting a Work Permit
Required papers for a work permit
After you have your non-immigrant visa, you can now apply for a work permit. Here are the papers generally required from the prospective employee to start a work permit:
• copy of the picture page/identification page of your passport (the one with your photo and passport number)
• your non-immigrant visa
• copy of the passport page with your current entrance stamp
• copy of your entry card
• Copy of your degree or resume or transcript – sometimes they require it be certified by your country’s embassy (this requires bringing your degree or resume to your embassy, declaring it is a true and original document and then paying an authentication fee.
• a doctor’s certificate stating you are in good health (this can be arranged quickly in Thailand and generally costs less than 100 baht and usually does not required any actual exam
• (this is the photo size used by most photo shops in Thailand for Visas. This is not a Passport photo size which is different.
• Three to Five Thousand baht (depending on the length of your work permit.
• Additionally, your employer will be required to submit tax and legal documents concerning the nature of their business and employees.
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Tanzania Passport, Visa Photos(5 pic. Blue back ground)
By appointment only, Call now for appointment 480.862.9002.
Passport Photos and Visa Photos are ready in about 15 minutes
Open 7 days a week by appointment only
Williams Passport Photos location is in Phoenix, AZ.
Please bring an example or a set of specifications for your requirements.
Tanzania Passport & Visa Photo Requirements:
•Blue background
•Size is 35 mm x 45 mm
•5 Copies required
Posted in Tanzania passport photos
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Syria Passport & Visa Photos (4 Pic. 4 x 4 cm)
Looking for high quality and affordable passport or visa photos? You’ve come to the right place! As a professional photography business we provide customers with the best digital photographic and printing equipment.
By appointment only, Call now for appointment 480.862.9002
Passport Photos and Visa Photos are ready in about 15 minutes
Open 7 days a week with appointment only. Passport photos or visa photos will be ready at the time of appointment.
Williams Passport Photos location is in Phoenix, AZ.
Williams Passport Photos location is in Phoenix, AZ.
Syria passport & Visa photos:
• Four Photos of 40 x 40 mm.
• Head size not specified
إرفاق أربعة صور شخصية وفق المواصفات الآتية
أ. أن تكون الصور ملونة و حديثة و بدون نظارات.
ب. أن تؤخذ الصور بالمواجهة، أي يقابل الوجه آلة التصوير بشكل مستقيم و يتوسط بطاقة الصورة تماماً و بوضع يظهر فيه أعلى الكتفين مع الأذنين.
ت. يجب أن تكون أرضية الصورة بلون أبيض و ذلك باستخدام شاشة بيضاء خلف المتصور.
ث. يجب أن تكون الصورة من النوع اللامع و بقياس (40×40) ملم.
ج. يجب أن تكون إضاءة الصورة متجانسة من الطرفين تجنباً لظهور تموج لوني في الصورة.
ح. يجب أن يكون لباس المتصور غامق اللون.
خ. يجب أن يكون المتصور حاسر الرأس ( عدا الإناث و رجال الدين)، و أما بالنسبة للنساء المحجّبات فيجب أن يكون الحجاب داكن اللون و بلون واحد ( أي غير معرّق).
د. لا تقبل الصور الفورية (بولورو يد) و كذلك المأخوذة حاسوبيا (من الكمبيوتر) أو المسحوبة عن صور أخرى
Posted in Syria passport photos
Tagged australian immigration photos, canadian immigration photos, canadian passport photos, chinese passport photos, Digital Photo Album, Digital Photo Processing, mexican passport photos, new zealand passport photos, us immigration photos, visit italy, صور باسبور سورى
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Switzerland Passport & Visa Photos
паспортные фотографии
Looking for high quality and affordable passport or visa photos? You’ve come to the right place! As a professional photography business we provide customers with the best digital photographic and printing equipment.
Open 7 days a week by appointment only. Passport photos or visa photos will be ready at the time of appointment.
Williams Passport Photos location is in Phoenix, AZ.
Please bring an example or a set of specifications for your requirements.
Swiss Passport and Visa Photo Requirements:
•Two 35 mm x 45 mm photos are required for Swiss Passport Application
•Head size 29 mm to 34 mm in Swiss passport photos
•Swiss passport photos specify a white or off white background
•In Swiss passport photos head wear is only allowed on religious ground
•Swiss passport specs glasses must not obscure the eyes in any way
•Recent Passport Photos are required for Swiss Passports ( less than 6 months old )
•For 11 years or younger Swiss passport photo require head size of 23 mm to 34 mm
•A neutral expression is required for Swiss passport photos
•Teeth showing in Swiss passport photos is unacceptable
Posted in Switzerland passport photos
Tagged australian immigration photos, Boudoir photography, chinese passport photos, Digital Photo Processing, find job in new zealand, fly to Switzerland, immigration photos, mexican passport photos, pan card photos, passport photo, Switzerland Passport Photo, Switzerland Passport Photos, Switzerland visa Photos, visit spain, visit Switzerland, visit usa, паспортные фотографии
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Sweden Passport & Visa Photos
Open 7 days a week by appointment only. Passport photos or visa photos will be ready at the time of appointment.
Williams Passport Photos location is in
2328 E. Chanute Pass
Phoenix, AZ 85040
Passport and Visa photos must conform to the internationally agreed Bio-metric Standard for passports.
Please bring an example or a set of specifications for your requirements.
Sweden Passport Photo Requirements:
•Swedish Passport Photos must be 35 mm x 45 mm in size
•The head must occupy around 70% of the passport photo
•Two identical passport photos are required
•In the photo the face must be depicted at a straight angle
•Your eyes must be looking straight at the camera
•Your facial expression must be neutral in the passport photo
•The background must be light and free of shadows
•No headgear or dark eyeglasses are are permitted in Swedish Passport Photos
•The applicant’s name printed in pencil on the back
Posted in Sweden passport photos
Tagged australian immigration photos, canadian immigration photos, chinese passport photos, Digital Photo Print, Digital Photo Processing, find job in new zealand, mexican passport photos, pan card photos, passport photo, passport photos, Sweden Passport Photos, Sweden Passport Photos & Visa Photos, us immigration photos, vfs photos, visa photos, visit italy, visit spain
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Spain Passport Photos & Visa Photos
Open 7 days a week by appointment only. Passport photos or visa photos will be ready at the time of appointment.
Williams Passport Photos location is in Phoenix, AZ.
Passport and Visa photos must conform to the internationally agreed Bio-metric Standard for passports.
Passport Photo Requirements
The new type of passport is essential that the photograph meets a series of requirements scrupulously, and that the photograph not only is Printed on the passport for identification of the person, but is used as a water mark on the area data to prevent counterfeiting. Therefore, you can not accept a picture that does not meet the following requirements: Must be card-size, color and light background (preferably white) smooth and uniform, taken from the front, without dark glasses or any other garment that prevents or hinders the identification of the person.
Photographs are not printed on plain paper with a color printer, as in this case, the scan, there are points of printing, so that the resulting photograph printed on the passport is very poor.
Centimeters: 4 cm long, wide 3 cm
Inches: Over 1-5/8″, width 1-1/4″
Deberá ser de tamaño carnet, en color y con fondo claro, (preferentemente blanco) liso y uniforme, tomada de frente, sin gafas oscuras ni cualquier otra prenda que impida o dificulte la identificación de la persona. En la fotografía, la cara ocupará al menos un 70 por ciento, contado desde el inicio de la barbilla hasta el final de la cabeza. In the photograph, the face will occupy at least 70 percent, counted from the start of the chin until the end of the head.
No se admitirán fotografías impresas sobre papel normal con una impresora en color, ya que en este caso, al escanearlas, se aprecian los puntos de impresión, de forma que la fotografía resultante impresa en el pasaporte queda de muy baja calidad.
Centímetros: largo 4 cm, ancho 3 cm
Pulgadas: largo 1.5/8″, ancho 1.1/4″
Spain Passport Photo Requirements:
•Two identical photos are required for Spanish passport applications
•The photo size is specified at 30 mm x 40 mm
•The head must occupy 70% of the passport photo
•White backgrounds are specified for Spanish Passport photos
Posted in Spain passport photos
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Bahrain passport Photos, Bahrain Visa photos
480.862.9002 call or text for appointment
يمكنك الإعتماد علينا للحصول على أفضل الصور المطابقة للمواصفات لإستخراج جواز سفرك أو التقديم للحصول على الفيزا، أيضا لدينا الإمكانيات لتوفير كافة المقاسات المطلوبة لصور جوازات جميع الدول، إتصل بنا لتحديد الموعد الذى يلائمك لإلتقاط صور جوازك والجيد أيضا أنك تتسلم صورك فى خلال 15 دقيقة
Open 7 days a week by appointment only. Passport or visa photo will be ready for pick up at the time of appointment. Our location is in Phoenix, AZ.
Passport Photo Requirements:
Three (3) passport size photos (white background, 1.5″x 2.5″) attached to the signed application form.
Visa Photo Requirements:
One (1) 2”x 2” or 51 x 51 mm photo with white background,
Posted in Bahrain passport photos
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Angola passport & Visa photos
Open 7 days a week by appointment only call 480.862.9002
Passport or visa photo will be ready for pick up at the time of appointment.
Our location:
2328 E. Chanute Pass
Phoenix, AZ 85040
Angola Passport Photo Requirements:
2 recent passport photographs 51 x 51 mm
Visa Photo Requirements:
2 recent passport photographs 51 x 51 mm with the names on the back
189 Laurier Av. East
Ottawa – Ontario, K1N 6P1
Phone: 613-234-1152
Fax: 613-234-1179
E-mail [email protected]
Posted in Angola passport photos
Tagged Angola passport photos, Angola Visa photos, Digital Photos, immigration photos, indian passport photos, mexican passport photos, us immigration photos, us passport photos, vfs photos, visa pictures, work permit photos
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Uganda passport & Visa photos
Passport Photo Requirements:
Two (2) passport photos 51 mm x 51 mm– must be bright, show all facial features and both ears. The photographs should have white background.
Visa Photo Requirements:
2 passport photographs 51 mm x 51 mm
Call for appointment 480.862.9002
Posted in Uganda passport photos
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Algeria passport & Visa photos
Open 7 days a week by appointment only. Passport or visa photos will be ready at the time of appointment. Our location is in Phoenix, AZ.
صور جواز السفر الجزائرى
Passport Photo Requirements:
– Four (4) recent same-print photographs 3.5 cm x 4.5 cm (1.4″ x 1.9″)
– Color only with white background and no frame.
– The size of the face must be between 32 mm and 36 mm, or fill 75% of the picture.
– The face must appear in the center of the picture.
– Photos must be no older than six months and give a perfect representation of the applicant’s features on application day.
Visa Photo Requirements:
– Three (3) identical recent photographs passport size 3.5 cm x 4.5 cm
Posted in Algeria passport photos
Tagged Algeria passport photos in AZ, Algeria Visa photos in AZ, australian immigration photos, canadian immigration photos, chinese passport photos, Digital Camera, immigration photos, mexican passport photos, us immigration photos, us passport photos, work visa new zealand
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Afghanistan Passport & Visa Photos
call for appointment 480.862.9002
Afghanistan passport photos Requirements:
Three passport-sized photos (with name written at the back and attached with cellophane tape).
Visa Photo Requirements:
One passport-sized photo (attached to application form).
Afghanistan, in southwestern Asia, bounded on the north by Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, and Tajikistan; on the east by China and the part of the disputed territory of Jammu and Kashmir controlled by Pakistan; on the south by Pakistan; and on the west by Iran. Afghanistan was a monarchy from 1747 to 1973, when the king was overthrown by military officers and the country was proclaimed a republic; the republic dissolved in 1992 as the country erupted in civil war. Afghanistan lies across ancient trade and invasion routes from central Asia into India. This position has been the greatest influence on its history because the invaders often settled there. Today the population includes many different ethnic groups. Most of the present borders of the country were drawn up in the 19th century, when Afghanistan became a buffer state, or neutral zone, between Russia and British India. Kabul is the capital and largest city.
Posted in Afghanistan passport photos
Tagged afghanistan passport photos in az, afghanistan work permit photos in az, work in pakistan, work permit photos
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Philippines Passport / Visa Photos
Call for an appointment 480.862.9002, Open 7 days a week with appointment only. Passport photos or visa photos will be ready at the time of appointment.
Williams Passport Photos location is in Phoenix, AZ.
Appointment: 480.862.9002
Please bring an example or a set of specifications for your requirements.
Philippines Passport Photo Requirements listed below:
- Three (3) colored photos of the applicant
- Royal blue background.
- Applicant should be in decent attire with collar.
- Photo must be of good quality, and no older than 6 months.
- Photo size: 4.5 cm x 3.5 cm.
- Facial image size: Not less than 3 cm.
- Note: DFA has the right to reject photos that do not comply with specifications and international standards.
(at Williams Passport Photo AZ, we guarantee our work, never rejected).
Posted in Philippines passport photos
Tagged australian immigration photos, canadian immigration photos, canadian passport photos, Digital Photos, immigration photos, mexican passport photos, pan card photos, Philippines Passport Photos, poland passport photos, sweden passport photo, Thailand work permit photos, us immigration photos, us passport photos, vfs photos, visa photos, visit italy, visit japan, visit new zealand, visit spain, visit usa, visit Vanatu, work visa new zealand
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Peruvian Passport / Visa Photos
Call for an appointment 480.862.9002
Looking for high quality and affordable passport or visa photos? You’ve come to the right place! As a professional photography business we provide customers with the best digital photographic and printing equipment.
Open 7 days a week by appointment only. Passport photos or visa photos will be ready at the time of appointment.
Williams Passport Photos location is in Phoenix, AZ.
Passport and Visa photos must conform to the internationally agreed Bio-metric Standard for passports.
For more information, please visit the Peruvian Passport and Visa web site
Please bring an example or a set of specifications for your requirements.
Peruvian Passport and Visa Photo Requirements listed below:
• 2 of 50 x 50 mm photos(head size not specified)
• White Background
• Color Passport Photos
Posted in Peru passport photos
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New Zealand Passport / Visa photos
Call for an appointment 480.862.9002
Looking for high quality and affordable passport or visa photos? You’ve come to the right place! As a professional photography business we provide customers with the best digital photographic and printing equipment.
Passport Photos and Visa Photos are ready in about 15 minutes
Open 7 days a week by appointment only. Passport photos or visa photos will be ready at the time of appointment.
Williams Passport Photos location is in Phoenix, AZ.
Passport and Visa photos must conform to the internationally agreed Bio-metric Standard for passports.
For more information, please visit the New Zealand Passport and Visa web site
Please bring an example or a set of specifications for your requirements.
New Zealand Passport and Visa Photo Requirements listed below:
• Photos should be no more than 6 months old
• You must be facing square on and looking straight at the camera
• No hat, head band or head covering, except for medical or religious reasons.
• Facial features from the bottom of the chin to the top of the forehead and both edges of the face must be clearly shown
• Sunglasses are not allowed in Passport and Visa Photos
• Tinted prescription glasses may be worn as long as the eyes are still visible
• No light reflection on the glasses.
• Digital manipulation of passport photos is not allowed
• A plain, light colored background is required of passport photos (not white)
• Background is normally light gray or blue is specified if you have fair hair
• No background shadow for passport and visa photos
• New Zealand Passport Photos must be high quality color showing natural skin tones
• Black and white photos are not acceptable as passport or visa photos
• New Zealand passport photos must be printed on high quality photographic paper
• Ink jet printing of passports photos is not allowed for New Zealand Passport Photos
• Thermal printing is not accepted either for New Zealand Passport photos
• Your face must be a neutral expression with mouth closed
• Your eyes must be open and clearly visible in the passport photo
• No hair across the face or eyes allowed in New Zealand passport photos
• 2 identical passport photos of yourself. Photo size: actual 45 mm height x 35 mm width
• Head size (including hair) a maximum 80% of the photo (36 mm) and minimum 70% of the photo (32 mm)
• Head must be centered, with a clear gap of 3 mm around the sides and top of the head, including hair
Passport Photo Requirements – New Zealand Passports (
Passport Photo Requirements.
Providing acceptable passport photos will also help avoid delays in the processing of your passport application.
The photo is an essential part of your travel document. A good clear photo facilitates the use of Smart-gate and ensures you can be easily identified as you cross international borders.
To help you avoid some of the most common problems with photo quality, we have summarized the main requirements below.
Photo Age
- Photo must be less than 6 months old.
Photo Quality
- photo must be in focus, with no red-eye and no reflected light on the face
- photo must be a true image, not altered in any way
- high quality color showing natural skin tones (black and white photos are not acceptable)
- the background must be plain and light, but not white
- there must be a strong contrast between the image and background, with no shadows
- face the camera straight on, with your head straight, eyes open and mouth closed
- maintain a neutral expression, not smiling or frowning
- ensure you have no hair across your face or eyes as eyes must be clearly visible
- head must be centered, with a clear gap around the sides and top of the head, including hair
- eyes must be clearly showing through glasses with no reflection
- remove glasses with heavy-rimmed frames
- do not wear sunglasses, or glasses with tinted lenses that obscure your eyes
Head Covering or headband
- no head covering or headband should be worn in the photo, unless you must wear either for religious or medical reasons
Paper Quality
- use high quality, high resolution photo paper
- you can also use color film or low gloss coated thermal papers as long as the printer is high resolution
- DO NOT use matt paper, heavy-backed thermal paper or an ink-jet printer.
Photo Size (paper applications)
- Actual photo size of 35 mm width x 45 mm height
- Head size a maximum 80% of the photo (36 mm) and minimum 70% of the photo (32 mm)
Digital Photos for online renewals
- See ‘Tips to help you get correct digital passport photos‘ for the digital photo requirements.
Please contact the Passport office if you have a photo problem that you would like to discuss.
Posted in New Zealand passport photos
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Egyptian Passport / Visa photos
يمكنك الإعتماد علينا للحصول على أفضل الصور المطابقة للمواصفات لإستخراج جواز سفرك أو التقديم للحصول على الفيزا، أيضا لدينا الإمكانيات لتوفير كافة المقاسات المطلوبة لصور جوازات جميع الدول، إتصل بنا لتحديد الموعد الذى يلائمك لإلتقاط صور جوازك، والجيد أيضا أنك تتسلم صورك فى خلال 15 دقيقة
للحجز رجاء الإتصال برقم: 480.862.9002
ـ عدد 4 صور فوتوغرافية حديثة مقاس 3.5 ×4.5 سم لصاحب الجواز، وعدد 3 لكل من المطلوب إضافتهم على جواز السفر
لإستخراج جواز السفر: المستندات المطلوبة :-
ـ جواز السفر المنتهى
ـ استمارة إصدار جواز سفر (موجود اعلى الصفحة) .
ـ طلب أداء العمل القنصلي (موجود اعلى الصفحة).
ـ قيد المواطنين (موجود اعلى الصفحة).
ـ إثبات الموقف التجنيدى للذكور طبقا لما يلى:
أ ـ مواليد عام 1943 وما قبلها غير مطلوب منهم إثبات الموقف التجنيدى.
ب ـ إذا كان جواز السفر مختوم بخاتم (غير مطلوب للتجنيد ) أو ( معاف نهائى ) فيكتفى بذلك دون الحاجة الى تقديم مستند التجنيد.
ج ـ إذا كان جواز السفر مختوم بخاتم ( فى سن التجنيد ويراعى تقديم مستند التجنيد عند السفر ) ، او اذا كان غير مثبت به أى موقف تجنيدى ، فيلزم تقديم المستند الأصلى للتجنيد طبقا لحاله صاحب الشأن ، سواء أدى الخدمة ، أو معاف نهائى ، أو معاف مؤقت ، أو مستثنى من الخدمة العسكرية ، أو مؤجل تجنيده لأى من الأسباب الموجبة للتأجيل
where to go in Egypt:
When you are in Egypt there are so many sites that you will want to visit, the length of your trip may not seem long enough.
Cairo, Alexandria, Luxor, Aswan, Kom Ambou, Menia, River Nile, Canal Suise, Faiuom.. and many other places to visit.
Posted in Egypt passport photos
Tagged cairo, egypt, egypt passport photos, egypt visa photos, egyptian embassy in us, Egyptian missions in the US, egyptian passport photos, passport photo, passport photos, renew passport, visa, visa pictures, visit egypt
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Albania Passport & Visa Photos
Call for an appointment 480.862.9002
Open 7 days a week by appointment only. Passport or visa photo will be ready for pick up at the time of appointment. Our location is in Phoenix, AZ.
Albanian Passport and Visa Photo Requirements listed below:
5 passport photos are specified for Albanian passport applications
Albanian passport photos must be 50 x 40 mm
The face should occupy 70% of the overall photo
A white background is preferred
View our listing on this tourist website featuring Hotels, Motels and tourist network which includes a Phoenix Hotel page and our own unique page Williams Passport Photo AZ
Visit Arizona
Visiting Arizona can take you through winding scenic roads to observe native wildlife or to a relaxing luxury golf and spa getaway. You might enjoy hiking or mountain biking, downhill skiing or viewing the desert sky; there is an outdoor recreation activity for everyone! So come to the Grand Canyon State and experience the unique culture that awaits you in Arizona.
Albania is located in the western part of the Balkan peninsula. It borders the former Yugoslavia (Serbia-Montenegro) and Kosovo in the north and the east, (FYR of) Macedonia in the east, and Greece in the south. It has access to the Adriatic and Ionian Seas in the west. From the Strait of Otranto, Albania is less than 100 km (60 miles) from Italy. The country covers a total of 28,000 squared kilometers (11,000 squared miles) and its population is 3.3 million.
Posted in Albania passport photos
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China Passport/ Visa photos
Call or text for appointment : 480.862.9002
Open 7 days a week by appointment only. Passport or visa photo will be ready at the time of appointment. only one location in Phoenix, AZ.
For more information, please visit the Chinese Passport and Visa web site
四、照片应为小二寸(48 mm×33 mm):头部宽度为21 mm~24 mm,头部长度为28 mm~33 mm。头部过大或过小均会影响制作质量。
Chinese Passport Photo Requirements listed below:
“여권 사진”
Must be 48 x 33 mm
Head height is between 28-33 mm
Head width is between 21-24 mm
A white or light blue background
Please bring an example or a set of specifications for your requirements.
Standard travel document passport photos passports, photographs, scanned directly printed on the passport, and therefore require a higher photo quality. Passport photos must meet the following requirements:
1- the photo must be a recent (6 months), the head front, no hat photos.
2- the photo background should be plain, the background color to be light blue or white for the better (preferably white). Do not use red, brown, black and other dark.
3- in addition to the requirements of the application form photos, please do not use staples or paper clips clip photos, photos in order to avoid damage.
4- should be a small two-inch photos (48×33 mm): head width of 21~24 mm, head length is 28~33 mm. The head is too large or too small will affect the quality of the product.
Posted in China passport photos
Tagged 33x48 mm, china passport photos, china visa, china visa pictures, chinese passport photos, Digital Photo, Digital Photos, Fast passport, find job in new zealand, pan card photos, Passport Canada Immigration, Passport German, Passport Irish, Passport Korean, Passport Photographs, passport photos, Passport pictures, Passport Russian, Passport visa, Photo, Photo Lab, Travel Visa, Travel visa services, U S, US Passport, 여권 사진
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