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Lithuania passport photo
Call for an appointment 480.862.9002
Open 7 days a week with appointment only. Passport or visa photo will be ready for pick up at the time of appointment. Our location is in Phoenix, AZ.
2328 E. Chanute Pass, Phoenix, AZ 85040
click here for immediate directions
Lithuania passport photo
- 2 of 4 x 6 cm
- Head size 31 to 35 mm
- Pasui pateikiamos 2 nuotraukos, 40 x 60 mm
Posted in Lithuania passport photo
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Kuwait passport photo
Call for an appointment 480.862.9002
Open 7 days a week with appointment only. Passport or visa photo will be ready for pick up at the time of appointment. Our location is in Phoenix, AZ.
2328 E. Chanute Pass, Phoenix, AZ 85040
click here for immediate directions
Kuwait passport photo Required Documents | ||
Birth certificate and a copy | ||
Two (2) recent colored personal photos 4 × 6 cm | ||
Photos should be taken without eyeglasses | ||
Face length should range from 2.2 to 2.5 cm and should be at the center of the photo |
Photos should not be taken in military uniform | ||
Photos should not be taken for the face profile | ||
Photo background color (blue) should not affect the clarity |
Fingerprint notification for applicants who reached 18 years old or older | ||
Address proof | ||
Off records from the Ministry of Interior for aged applicants for whom no birth certificates were previously issued. The applicant’s name and date of birth should be stated in the off records. | ||
Nationality certificate for minors born outside Kuwait | ||
Envelope | ||
Letter of no objection against registration from the Ministry of Interior for aged applicants | ||
Nationality certificate and a copy for applicants who reached 18 years old or older | ||
Power of attorney from the Ministry of Justice, in case the applicant does not attend in person | ||
Kuwait Visa photo 2 passport photos 4 x 6 cm |
Posted in kuwait passport photo
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Ukraine passport photos
By appointment only,
Call now for an appointment for your passport photos or visa photos 480.862.9002
Passport Photos and Visa Photos are ready in about 15 minutes
Open 7 days a week with appointment only. Passport photos or visa photos will be ready at the time of appointment.
Williams Passport Photos location is in Phoenix, AZ.
2328 E. Chanute Pass, Phoenix, AZ 85040
click here for immediate directions
appointment: 480.862.9002
Passport Photo Requirements
1. Фотокартки для оформлення паспорта
Якість фотокарток:
На фотокартці має бути відображено крупним планом голову і верхню частину плечей. Обличчя повинне займати 70-80% вертикального розміру знімка (визначається візуально).
Фотокартка має бути зробленою на матовому папері високої якості з роздільною здатністю друку не менше 150 dpi.
Фотокартка не повинна мати дефектів (подряпин, вм’ятин, плям, слідів від фарби тощо).
Колір шкіри обличчя повинен бути природного кольору.
Особа на фотокартці має дивитися прямо на фотоапарат.
Стиль і освітлення:
Особа на фотокартці має бути зображена з відкритими і чітко видними очима; волосся не повинне затуляти очі.
Особа повинна бути зображена так, щоб обличчя трималося прямо проти фотоапарата і погляд не повинен бути через плече (портретний стиль). Голову потрібно тримати прямо.
Фотокартка повинна мати однотонний одноколірний світлий фон для забезпечення контрасту між обличчям і волоссям. Допускається світло-сірий, білий фон.
Ефекту «червоних очей» не повинно бути.
Освітлення повинно бути рівномірним, без тіней і відбиттів на обличчі. Обидві сторони обличчя повинні бути ясно видні.
Окуляри і головні убори:
Очі на фотографії повинні бути чітко видними; світло не повинно відбиватися в окулярах і лінзи не повинні бути темними. По можливості слід відмовлятися від великої оправи.
Оправа не повинна затуляти очі.
Головні убори не допускаються за виключенням випадків, конкретно передбачених компетентним державним органом. До таких випадків відносяться релігійні звичаї, медичні приписи чи культурні традиції.
Фотокартка дитини:
Дитина на фотокартці повинна бути зображена одна; спинка стільця чи іграшка не повинні бути видні. Дитина має дивитись на камеру з нейтральним виразом обличчя і закритим ротом.
Фотокартка немовляти по можливості має бути зроблена у відповідності до вищезазначених вимог. Немовля має бути сфотографоване у вертикальному положенні, однак допускається фотографування немовляти, що лежить на білому чи світло-сірому покривалі. У якості альтернативи немовля може бути сфотографоване в сидінні для дитини, але за його головою повинний бути білий чи світло-сірий фон. Очі дитини мають бути відкриті, рот закритий, а руки особи, що підтримує її, не повинно бути видно.
Photograph requirements
1. Photos for passport
Quality photos:
In the photograph should be displayed close-up head and upper shoulders. The face should cover 70-80% of the vertical size of the image (determined visually).
The photograph must be made on high quality print resolution of at least 150 dpi.
The photograph must not have defects (scratches, dents, stains, traces of paint, etc.).
Color of skin should be natural color.
The person in the photo should look directly at the camera.
Style and lighting:
The person in the photo should be shown with open and clearly visible eyes, hair should not obscure the eyes.
The person should be shown so that the face rested directly against the camera view and should not be over the shoulder (portrait style). Head should be kept straight.
Photographs must have a monochromatic light colored background to provide contrast between the face and hair. Safety light gray, white background.
Effect of “red eye” should not be.
Lighting should be uniform, without shadows and reflections on the face. Both sides of the face must be clearly visible.
Glasses and hats:
Eyes on photographs must be clearly visible, the light should not be reflected in the glasses and lenses should be dark. Possible should abandon large frame.
Frame should not obscure the eyes.
Hats are not permitted except as specifically provided by the competent public authority. These cases include religious practices, medical prescriptions or cultural traditions.
The photograph of the child:
The child in the photo should be shown one; chair or toy should not be seen. The child has to look at the camera with a neutral expression and your mouth closed.
The photograph of the baby as possible must be made in accordance with the above requirements. The baby should be photographed vertically, but allowed photographing baby lying on a white or light gray curtain. As an alternative, the baby can be photographed in the seat for a child, but his head must be white or light gray background. Eyes of a baby should be open, mouth closed, and the hands of the person who supports it should not be visible.
2. Фотокартка дитини для вклеювання в паспорт одного із батьків
2. The child’s photo for pasting in the passport of one of the parents

2. The child’s photo for pasting in the passport of one of the parents

child photo pasted in passport of one of the parents size:
- 2.5 cm x 3.5 cm
Visa Photo Requirements
- Size: 35 x 45 mm
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Uzbekistan passport photos
By appointment only,
Call now for an appointment for your passport photos or visa photos 480.862.9002
Passport Photos and Visa Photos are ready in about 15 minutes
Open 7 days a week with appointment only. Passport photos or visa photos will be ready at the time of appointment.
Williams Passport Photos location is in Phoenix, AZ.
2328 E. Chanute Pass, Phoenix, AZ 85040
click here for immediate directions
appointment: 480.862.9002
2 of 3 x 4 cm
6 of 3.5 x 4.5 cm
Map of Uzbekistan
Uzbekistan has an area of 447,400 square kilometres (172,700 sq mi). It is the 56th largest country in the world by area and the 42nd by population.[22]Among the CIS countries, it is the 4th largest by area and the 2nd largest by population.[23]
Uzbekistan lies between latitudes 37° and 46° N, and longitudes 56° and 74° E. It stretches 1,425 kilometres (885 mi) from west to east and 930 kilometres (580 mi) from north to south. Bordering Kazakhstan and the Aral Sea to the north and northwest, Turkmenistan to the southwest, Tajikistan to the southeast, and Kyrgyzstan to the northeast, Uzbekistan is one of the largest Central Asian states and the only Central Asian state to border all the other four. Uzbekistan also shares a short border (less than 150 km or 93 mi) with Afghanistan to the south.
Uzbekistan is a dry, landlocked country. It is one of two doubly landlocked countries in the world (that is, a country completely surrounded by landlocked countries), the other being Liechtenstein. In addition, due to its location within a series of endorheic basins, none of its rivers lead to the sea. Less than 10% of its territory is intensively cultivated irrigated land in river valleys and oases. The rest is vast desert (Kyzyl Kum) and mountains.
The highest point in Uzbekistan is the Khazret Sultan, at 4,643 metres (15,233 ft) above sea level, in the southern part of the Gissar Range in Surkhandarya Province, on the border with Tajikistan, just northwest of Dushanbe (formerly called Peak of the 22nd Congress of the Communist Party).[23]
The climate in Uzbekistan is continental, with little precipitation expected annually (100–200 millimetres, or 3.9–7.9 inches). The average summer high temperature tends to be 40 °C (104 °F), while the average winter low temperature is around −23 °C (−9 °F).[24]
Posted in Uzbekistan passport photos
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Venezuelan passport, Visa photos
By appointment only,
Call now for an appointment for your passport photos or visa photos 480.862.9002
Passport Photos and Visa Photos are ready in about 15 minutes
Open 7 days a week with appointment only. Passport photos or visa photos will be ready at the time of appointment.
Williams Passport Photos location is in Phoenix, AZ.
2328 E. Chanute Pass, Phoenix, AZ 85040
click here for immediate directions
appointment: 480.862.9002
Passport Photo Requirements
- 4 recent photos of the applicant. The size must be 35×45 mm.
- They must have been taken not less than three months from the date of the application and at least two of the photographs must be signed by the photographer verifying their authenticity;
- Three (3) photographs of the face, passport-sized 2″x 2″ (4 pic)
Visa Photo Requirements (2 pic)
Two (2) front pictures 2’x 2′
Posted in Venezuela passport photos
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Zambia passport photos
By appointment only,
Call now for an appointment for your passport photos or visa photos 480.862.9002
Passport Photos and Visa Photos are ready in about 15 minutes
Open 7 days a week with appointment only. Passport photos or visa photos will be ready at the time of appointment.
Williams Passport Photos location is in Phoenix, AZ.
2328 E. Chanute Pass, Phoenix, AZ 85040
click here for immediate directions
appointment: 480.862.9002
Zambia Visa Photo Requirements
2 2″ x 2″ recent passport size photographs.
Please SIGN on the back of each photograph and staple one photo to each application form.
Posted in Zambia passport photos
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Bangladesh passport photos
By appointment only,
Call now 480.862.9002
Photos ready in about 15 minutes.
Open 7 days a week.
Williams Passport Photos one location only in Phoenix, AZ.
2328 E. Chanute Pass, Phoenix, AZ 85040
click here for immediate directions
Bangladesh passport photos & Bangladesh Visa photos:
Passport Photo Requirements
4 (four) 40 x 50 mm / passport size photographs. (two photographs on each of the application form)
Visa Photo Requirements
2 pictures 37 mm X 37 mm
Posted in Bangladesh passport photos
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British Passport, Visa digital jpg file.
Open 7 days a week, By appointment only 480.862.9002
Photos ready in about 15 minutes
Williams Passport Photos location is in Phoenix, AZ.
2328 E. Chanute Pass, Phoenix, AZ 85040
click here for immediate directions
UK Passport and Visa Photo Requirements:
Need to upload a digital jpg (soft copy file) for your UK passport photo, we will send it to your email address.
Two identical photos are required for UK passport applications
The passport photos must be 35 x 45 mm
The background must be light gray
The passport photo must stand out clearly against the background
Passport photos must be printed on low gloss high quality photographic paper
Passport photos you submit must copyright free
The photos must be undamaged, ie. no creases caused by paper clips
Other people of objects must not be visible in your passport photos
The head size in the UK passport photo must measure between 29 and 34 mm
The above measurement is from the bottom of the chin to the top of the head (without hair)
There must be no writing on the back or the front of UK Passport Photos
The passport and visa photos must be properly focused and clear
Professional printing is required. for British Passport Photos
No shadows are allowed in UK passport and visa photos
You must be facing forwards and looking straight into the camera
You expression must be neutral in you British passport photo
Do not show your teeth and keep your mouth closed for UK Passport Photos
No grinning, raised eyebrows and frowning
Your eyes must be open and clearly visible in British Passport Photos
There must be no hair obscuring your eyes, sunglasses or tinted glasses
There must no flash reflections from glasses in UK Passport photos
The frame of the glasses must not cover up any part of your eyes
We advise our customers to remove their glasses for their UK passport photos
Head coverings are allowed only for religious or medical reasons in UK passport photos
UK Passport Photo Requirements for children under age 5:
– The photo must be clear and show a true likeness of the child
– A neutral expression is not required for a UK passport photo
– Reflections and glare on spectacle are acceptable
– The head of the child can be at an angle
– Children do not need are not required to look straight into the camera
Baby Passport Photos: If under one year of age, baby does not need to have eyes open and there should be no supporting hands visible.
Photo size for children over six are the same for adults but the head size can be between 21 mm and 34 mm.
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Thailand Passport, Visa, work permit photos
Call now for an appointment 480.862.9002
address: 2328 E. Chanute Pass, Phoenix AZ 85040
Passport and Visa photos must conform to the internationally agreed Bio metric Standard for passports.
Thai Passport Photo Requirements:
•Two photos taken by a passport photographer required
•The photos must be identical and taken within the last 6 months
•The photo must be in color only.
•A light background, white or off white is required for Thai Passport Photos
•Your facial features should clearly distinguishable against the background
•It should be a close-up of your head and shoulders
•Your face should cover 70-80% of the overall passport photo
•Thai passport photos should be 45 x 35 mm
•The passport photographs must be clear and in sharp focus
•Digital or scanned photographs should be printed at 1200 dpi resolution or better.
•There must not be any shadows in the photo either on the face or background
•There must be no reflection on spectacles if worn
•The eyes must not be obscured by sunglasses, hair across the eyes etc
•Your face must be looking directly at the camera with eyes open
•Your mouth must be closed, showing no teeth
•Thai passport state that you must have neutral expression
•Your face should be uncovered with no hats or head covering for Thai passport photos
Thai Visa Photo Requirements
•Thai visa applications require two photos
•Thailand specifies a size of 50 x 50 mm
•Photostat or Photocopies are unacceptable
•Thai visa photos must have a light colored background
•The visa photo must be a full face view of the person
•Wearing a hat or dark glasses is not allowed
•Thai Visa Photos must have been taken recently (within 6 months)
Getting a Work Permit
Required papers for a work permit
After you have your non-immigrant visa, you can now apply for a work permit. Here are the papers generally required from the prospective employee to start a work permit:
• copy of the picture page/identification page of your passport (the one with your photo and passport number)
• your non-immigrant visa
• copy of the passport page with your current entrance stamp
• copy of your entry card
• Copy of your degree or resume or transcript – sometimes they require it be certified by your country’s embassy (this requires bringing your degree or resume to your embassy, declaring it is a true and original document and then paying an authentication fee.
• a doctor’s certificate stating you are in good health (this can be arranged quickly in Thailand and generally costs less than 100 baht and usually does not required any actual exam
• (this is the photo size used by most photo shops in Thailand for Visas. This is not a Passport photo size which is different.
• Three to Five Thousand baht (depending on the length of your work permit.
• Additionally, your employer will be required to submit tax and legal documents concerning the nature of their business and employees.
Posted in Thailand passport photos
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Bahrain passport Photos, Bahrain Visa photos
480.862.9002 call or text for appointment
يمكنك الإعتماد علينا للحصول على أفضل الصور المطابقة للمواصفات لإستخراج جواز سفرك أو التقديم للحصول على الفيزا، أيضا لدينا الإمكانيات لتوفير كافة المقاسات المطلوبة لصور جوازات جميع الدول، إتصل بنا لتحديد الموعد الذى يلائمك لإلتقاط صور جوازك والجيد أيضا أنك تتسلم صورك فى خلال 15 دقيقة
Open 7 days a week by appointment only. Passport or visa photo will be ready for pick up at the time of appointment. Our location is in Phoenix, AZ.
Passport Photo Requirements:
Three (3) passport size photos (white background, 1.5″x 2.5″) attached to the signed application form.
Visa Photo Requirements:
One (1) 2”x 2” or 51 x 51 mm photo with white background,
Posted in Bahrain passport photos
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Singapore Passport & Visa photos
Call for an appointment 480.862.9002
Looking for high quality and affordable passport or visa photos? You’ve come to the right place! As a professional photography business we provide customers with the best digital photographic and printing equipment.
Open 7 days a week by appointment only. Passport photos or visa photos will be ready at the time of appointment.
Williams Passport Photos location is in Phoenix, AZ.
Passport and Visa photos must conform to the internationally agreed Bio metric Standard for passports.
For more information, please visit the Singapore Passport web site
Please bring an example or a set of specifications for your requirements.
Singapore Passport Photo Requirements listed below for hard copy
• The Singapore passport authorities state that the photos must be sharp and clear
• 35 mm wide by 45 mm high is the size required for passport photos
• The passport photos must be border less
• The passport photos must have been taken within the last 3 months
• The passport photos must be t taken full face with you looking directly at the camera
• Your head must be straight and your eyes must be open
• No hair across the eyes is allowed in your photos
• Both edges of your face, and the top of the shoulders must be clearly seen
• Your face must measure between 25 and 35 mm from chin to crown of head
• Taken without wearing any hat or other head covering, unless you habitually wear a hat or head covering in accordance with your religious or racial custom
• If any such hat or other head covering is worn, the passport photo must still be a full frontal view of your head and shoulders, showing your facial features in entirety with eyes open and clearly visible
• If you wear glasses, the photo must show your eyes clearly with no flash reflection
• Spectacle frames must not cover any part of your eyes
• Tinted glasses and sunglasses are not allowed in Singapore passport applications
• Taken with uniform lighting with no flash reflections or shadows
• No uneven bright spots on the face and no red eyes in your photo
• Taken against a white background, except that if your hair, hat or head covering is white, the background must be light gray
• The photo must show you alone with no chair back, toys or other persons visible
• Be printed on high quality paper at high resolution.
Singapore Passport Photos for online application requires
same as above but image upload to your email
• Passport Photo file size should not exceed 60
• 514 x 400 pixels is the size specified by Singapore Passport Agencies
• The passport photo must be submitted in jpg format
Posted in Singapore passport photos
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Russian Passport / Visa Photos
Call for an appointment 480.862.9002
Open 7 days a week by appointment only. Passport photos or visa photos will be ready at the time of appointment.
Williams Passport Photos location is in Phoenix, AZ.
Please bring an example or a set of specifications for your requirements.
Russian Passport Photo Requirements listed below:
• Russian Passport Photos must be 35 x 45 mm in size
• 5 identical copies are required for Russian Passport Photos.
• Your head must occupy 70 – 80% of the passport photo.
• Your Russian passport photos can be color or B/W.
Internal Russian Passport Photo Requirements listed below:
•Photo must be BW for Internal Russian Passport Applications
• 4 identical copies are required
• The size specification is 35 mm x 45 mm
• The space between the head and the top of the photo needs to be 4-6 mm
• No head gear, jewelry or eye glasses are allowed in the photos
• Monotone clothing without brash designs must be worn for the photos
• The thickness of the passport photos should be less than 0.3 mm
• size of a person in the photo must not exceed 2,5 x 2, 0 cm (standard on an American passport photos do not fit – the size of a person on them more than necessary)
ЧЕТЫРЕ ИДЕНТИЧНЫЕ ФОТОГРАФИИ российского паспортного размера (высота – 4.5 см , ширина – 3.5 см). Обращаем Ваше внимание, что размер лица на фотографии не должен превышать 2.5х2.0 см (стандартные фотографии на американский паспорт не подходят – размер лица на них больше необходимого). При вписании детей дополнительно прикладываются ЧЕТЫРЕ ИДЕНТИЧНЫЕ ФОТОГРАФИИ паспортного размера на каждого вписываемого ребенка. ВНИМАНИЕ! Если ранее Вы оформляли паспорт с внесением в него записи о ребенке, не достигшем 6-ти летнего возраста, без вклеивания его фотографии, во избежание проблем при прохождении паспортного контроля в России настоятельно рекомендуем обратиться в Генеральное консульство по вопросу вклеивания фотографии этого ребенка.
НДС 4 IDENTICAL PHOTOS Russia passport-size (height – 4.5 cm, width – 3.5 cm). Please note that the size of a person in the photo must not exceed 2.5 x 2. 0 cm (standard on an American passport photos do not fit – the size of a person on them more than necessary). When inscribing additional children are applied 4 IDENTICAL passport size photographs for each of the refined child. CAUTION If you have previously registered the passport to make any record of a child under 6 years of age, without pasting his photographs, to avoid problems at passport control in Russia is strongly recommended to contact the Consulate General on the question of pasting photos of the child.
Russian Visa Photo Requirements listed below:
‘standard size’ passport photos are required.
Recommended to use a standard set of EU specification passport photos. 5 identical copies provided.
Posted in Russian passport photos
Tagged Digital Photo Print, immigration photos, mexican passport photos, new zealand passport photos, pan card photos, passport photo, passport photos, Russian Passport Photos, Russian Visa Photos, Thailand work permit photos, visa photos, visit japan, work visa new zealand, фотографии на загранпаспорт
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Philippines Passport / Visa Photos
Call for an appointment 480.862.9002, Open 7 days a week with appointment only. Passport photos or visa photos will be ready at the time of appointment.
Williams Passport Photos location is in Phoenix, AZ.
Appointment: 480.862.9002
Please bring an example or a set of specifications for your requirements.
Philippines Passport Photo Requirements listed below:
- Three (3) colored photos of the applicant
- Royal blue background.
- Applicant should be in decent attire with collar.
- Photo must be of good quality, and no older than 6 months.
- Photo size: 4.5 cm x 3.5 cm.
- Facial image size: Not less than 3 cm.
- Note: DFA has the right to reject photos that do not comply with specifications and international standards.
(at Williams Passport Photo AZ, we guarantee our work, never rejected).
Posted in Philippines passport photos
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Japan Passport / Visa Photos
Call for an appointment 480.862.9002
Looking for high quality and affordable passport or visa photos? You’ve come to the right place! As a professional photography business we provide customers with the best digital photographic and printing equipment.
Passport Photos and Visa Photos are ready in about 15 minutes
Open 7 days a week by appointment only. Passport photos or visa photos will be ready at the time of appointment.
Williams Passport Photos location is in Phoenix, AZ.
For more information, please visit the Japan Passport and Visa web site
Please bring an example or a set of specifications for your requirements.
Japanese Passport Photo Requirements listed below:
The overall size of a Japanese passport photo is 45 x 35 mm
The distance from chin to the top of the head is 32-36 mm
The distance from the top of the head to the top of the photo is 2 to 6 mm
The image should be in the middle of the passport photo
A white or off white background is suitable for Japanese passport photos
Japanese Visa Photo Requirements listed below:
Japanese visa photos specify 45 x 45 mm
A white background is required
The subject is not allowed to show teeth and the facial expression should be neutral
Up to three identical photos are required
The visa photos must have been taken within 6 months of the application
Japanese Alien Registration Requirements:
2 identical photos required 45 x 35 mm in size. Similar to standard EU and UK passport requirements
Japanese Visa Certificate of Eligibility Requirements:
2 identical photos required is 40 x 30 mm
Visa Photo Requirements:
2 45 x 45 mm passport-type photos taken within the previous six months (stateless persons must submit 3 photos)
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Hong Kong Passport photos and Visa Photos
Call for an appointment 480.862.9002
Open 7 days a week with appointment only. Passport or visa photo will be ready in 15 minutes. Our location is in Phoenix, AZ.
For more information, please visit the Hong Kong Passport and Visa web site
Hong Kong Passport Photo Requirements listed below:
3 identical passport photos are required for Hong Kong passports
Hong Kong Passport photos specify no hats allowed
Overall size is 50 x 40 mm for Hong Kong Photos
Crown to Chin must be between 32 and 36 mm
Background must be white
Recent Color Photos required for Hong Kong Passport Photos
Photos must be taken using plain white background showing applicant’s face and prominent features clearly
Photos should show applicants in decent attire, with sleeves and collar.
Applicants maybe allowed to wear eyeglasses provided the eyes are distinctly shown
Women are not allowed to wear a veil except in cases of Muslims and nuns
Long hair and earring are not allowed for men.
Photos taken at the MTR or Photo-Me are not acceptable
Hong Kong Visa Photo Requirements listed below:
The Consulate and passport agency require passport type photos
Hong Kong visa photos must be full face frontal
A visa photo size of 2″ x 2″ is specified
The background must be white or off-white background
High resolution photos are required
The photos must be printed on high quality photo paper
Cut outs from personal photos are not acceptable
Please bring an example or a set of specifications for your requirements.
Hong Kong passport photo passport photos Hong Kong passport photograph Hong Kong passport photographers passport photos Hong Kong passport photo Hong Kong passport photograph Hong Kong visa photo Hong Kong visa photos Hong Kong visa photograph Hong Kong Hong Kong visa Hong Kong visa photo Hong Kong visa photographer Hong Kong visa Hong Kong passport photos
Posted in Hong Kong passport photos
Tagged chinese passport photos, Hong Kong map, Hong Kong passport photos, Hong Kong visa photos, immigration photos, mexican passport photos, poland passport photos, travel to hong kong, us immigration photos, visit Hong Kong, visit japan, visit new zealand, work at hong kong, work visa new zealand, work visa photo to hong kong
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German passport photos, German visa photos
Call for an appointment 480.862.9002
Open 7 days a week with appointment only. Passport or visa photo will be ready in 15 minutes. Our location is in Phoenix, AZ.
Germany Passport and Visa Photo Requirements listed below:
- The frame size must be 35 mm x 45 mm (1 3/8″ x 1 3/4″).
- The photographs must show the full front view of the head, with the face in the middle of the photograph, and include the top of the shoulders.
- The size of the head, from chin to crown, must be between 31 mm (1 1/4″) and 36 mm (1 7/16″).
- Crown means the top of the head or (if obscured by hair or a head covering) where the top of the head or skull would be if it could be seen.
- If the photographs do not meet the specifications, you will have to provide new photographs before your application can be processed.
Full front view of face, centered for German passport and Visa photos
Features from chin to hairline and both sides of face must be clearly visible
From top to bottom face must be between 32 and 36 mm
Front of head (including hair) must be completely visible
Whole face must be clear, with proper contrast and sharpness\
Face must be well lit, with no flash reflections, shadows or red eyes.
Background must be uniform, light-colored (ideally a neutral gray)
German Passports Photographs must show subject only
Shadows on the background or face are unacceptable in passport and Visa Photos
German passport and Visa photos should be printed on high-quality paper
Print Resolution must be at least 600 DPI (dots per inch)
German regulations specify neutral facial expressions and the closed mouth
For passport photos the subject must look straight into the camera
Eyes must be open and visible, not covered by hair or frame of glasses.
Reflections on glasses, tinted or sun glasses are unacceptable
The edge of the glasses or frame must not cover the eyes.
Head coverings of any kind are unacceptable for German Passport and Visa Photos
Please bring an example or a set of specifications for your requirements.
German passport photo German passport photos German passport photograph German passport photographers passport photos Germany passport photo Germany passport photograph Germany visa photo Germany visa photos Germany visa photograph Germany German visa German visa photo German visa photographer German visa German passport photos
Posted in Germany passport photos
Tagged australian immigration photos, canadian immigration photos, children passport photos, chinese passport photos, German passport photos, German visa photos, german work visa, green card digital photos, mexican passport photos, new zealand passport photos, new zealand visa, pan card photos, Thailand work permit photos, us immigration photos, visit egypt, visit italy, visit japan, visit Vanatu, work visa new zealand
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French Passport photos and Visa photos
Call for an appointment 480.862.9002
Open 7 days a week with appointment only. Passport or visa photo will be ready in 15 minutes. Our location is in Phoenix, AZ.
For more information, please visit the French Passport and Visa web site
French Passport and Visa Photo Requirements listed below:
French Passport and Visa photos must be formatted to 3.5 X 4.5 cm in size
The supplied photos must be in color only
The photos must show the top of the shoulders or the bottom of the neck
The head size in the photos must measure between 32 mm and 36 mm
The head should occupy between 70 and 80% of the passport or visa photo
Your face should be in the middle of the passport/visa photo
French passport photo should be no older than 6 months
French passport and visa photos should be a good likeness of the subject
There should be natural skin tones and good contrast and brightness
French passport and visa require no flash reflections on the skin
No red eye
The facial expression should be neutral, with mouth closed
No hair hair in front of the eye
The French agencies advise for glasses to be removed for passport photo
Please bring an example or a set of specifications for your requirements.
PHOTOS D’IDENTITE : 10 règles à respecter !
1 – La photo doit mesurer 35 mm de large sur 45 mm de haut. La taille du visage doit être de 32 à 36 mm, du bas du menton au sommet du crâne (hors chevelure).2 – La photo doit être nette, sans pliure, ni traces.
1 – La photo doit mesurer 35 mm de large sur 45 mm de haut. La taille du visage doit être de 32 à 36 mm, du bas du menton au sommet du crâne (hors chevelure).2 – La photo doit être nette, sans pliure, ni traces.
3 – La photo ne doit présenter ni sur-exposition, ni sous-exposition. Elle doit être correctement contrastée, sans ombre portée sur le visage ou en arrière-plan. Une photo en couleur est fortement recommandée.
4 – Le fond doit être uni, de couleur claire (bleu clair, gris clair) . Le blanc est interdit.
5 – La tête doit être nue, les couvre-chefs sont interdits.
6 – Le sujet doit présenter son visage face à l’objectif. La tête doit être droite.
7 – Le sujet doit fixer l’objectif. Il doit adopter une expression neutre et avoir la bouche fermée.
8 – Le visage doit être dégagé. Les yeux doivent être parfaitement visibles et ouverts.
9 – Les montures épaisses sont interdites. La monture ne doit pas masquer les yeux. Les verres teintés (ou colorés) sont interdits. Il ne doit pas y avoir de reflets sur les lunettes.
10 – La prise de vue doit être récente et ressemblante au jour du dépôt de la demande et de retrait du titre. Les photographies doivent être réalisées par un professionnel ou dans une cabine photo, utilisant un système agréé par le ministère de l’intérieur. Nouvelle norme relative à l’apposition des photographies d’identité sur les documents d’identité et de voyage français, notamment les cartes nationales d’identité et les passeports, ainsi que sur les permis de conduire et les titres de séjour pour étrangers. (norme ISO/IEC 19794-5 : 2005)
Source officielle : République française
Photos identities: new ISO / IEC 19794-5: 2005
PICTURES OF IDENTITY: 10 rules to follow!
1 – The photograph must measure 35 mm wide and 45 mm high. The size of the face must be 32 to 36 mm, bottom of chin to top of the head (excluding hair).
2 – The photo must be clear, no creases, marks.
3 – The picture must not show any over-exposure or underexposure. It must be properly mixed, without shadow on the face or background. A color photo is highly recommended.
4 – The background must be plain, colored (blue, light gray). White is prohibited.
5 – The head should be bare, head coverings are prohibited.
6 – The person should have his face in front of the goal. The head should be straight.
7 – The subject should set the goal. It must adopt a neutral expression with your mouth closed.
8 – The face must be clear. Eyes must be clearly visible and open.
9 – The thick frames are prohibited. The frame should not obscure the eyes. Tinted glasses (or colored) are prohibited. It should not be any glare on the glasses.
10 – The photo must be recent and likeness on the day of filing and withdrawal. Photographs must be performed by a professional or in a photo booth, using a system approved by the Ministry of Interior. New standard for affixing passport photographs on identity documents and French travel, including national identity cards and passports, as well as driving licenses and residence permits for foreigners. (ISO / IEC 19794-5: 2005)
Official source: French Republic
Posted in French passport photos
Tagged australian immigration photos, canadian immigration photos, chinese passport photos, Digital Photo Album, Digital Photo Print, france hotels, france map, france visa photos, French passport photos, immigration photos, passport photos, Photos d'identités : nouvelles normes ISO / IEC 19794-5 : 2005, Photos identities: new ISO / IEC 19794-5: 2005, photos pour passeport, poland passport photos, travel to france, visit france, visit japan, work visa new zealand
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Argentine Passport & Visa Photos 1 1/2″ x 1 1/2″
Call for an appointment 480.862.9002
Looking for a high quality and affordable passport of visa photos? You’ve come to the right place! As a professional photography business we provide customers with the best digital photographic and printing equipment.
Open 7 days a week by appointment only. Passport or visa photo will be ready for pick up at the time of appointment. Our location is in Phoenix, AZ.
Requisitos que debe presentar para prorrogar el pasaporte Mercosur:
• Pasaporte vencido. • DNI actualizado. • 2 fotos color, de 1 ½” x 1 ½”, de frente, con fondo blanco. • La validez del pasaporte será cinco años
Requisitos que debe presentar para obtener pasaporte de emergencia:
• Pasporte vencido. • DNI actualizado. • 4 fotos color, de 1 ½” x 1 ½”, de frente, con fondo blanco. • La validez del pasaporte será un año
En el caso de robo o pérdida de pasaporte, deberá traer denuncia policial. Asimismo, necesitará los datos de su último pasaporte (día, mes y fecha de emisión; autoridad de emisión y número de pasaporte).
Por favor, traiga ya completo e impreso el formulario de solicitud de trámite que encontrará en:
Los trámites son personales porque el interesado debe firmar y colocar su impresión digital.
Todos los trámites de pasaporte se entregan en aproximadamente 5 días hábiles de ser tramitados.
Argentine Passport Photos:
•2 Argentina passport photos must be 1.5 x 1.5 inch size
•Argentine Passport and Visa regulations say that glasses are not allowed
Argentina Visa Photos
There are many different types but temporary visas are the most common. Among them are work visas, student visas and medical and tourist visas, all with different regulations The visa photo requirements are generally four standard-size passport photos ie the same as the passport photo specifications.
To visit Argentina you will need a valid 6 month passport and a 90 day visa unless you are from of Brazil, Chile, Paraguay and Uruguay. For these countries you ID card is acceptable
Argentina Passport Renewals
5 color passport photos -no glasses.
D.N.I . (Documento Nacional de Identidad); vote entries must be up to date.
Cédula de Identidad
Letter of Citizenship (naturalized Argentines
The history of tango began in Buenos Aires, Argentina in the late 19th century. The dance started in the lower-class districts of Buenos Aires taking place in the periphery of the city, bars, cafes and courtyards. Then tango took the next step into more established Dancing Houses and later inside middle and high class Argentinian homes.
Posted in Argentina passport photos
Tagged Argentine Passport photos, Argentine Visa Photos, australian immigration photos, Camera, canadian immigration photos, chinese passport photos, Digital Camera, Digital Photo Print, Digital Photo Processing, indian passport photos, poland passport photos, Thailand work permit photos, visit japan, visit spain, visit usa, work permit photos
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