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Lithuania passport photo
Call for an appointment 480.862.9002
Open 7 days a week with appointment only. Passport or visa photo will be ready for pick up at the time of appointment. Our location is in Phoenix, AZ.
2328 E. Chanute Pass, Phoenix, AZ 85040
click here for immediate directions
Lithuania passport photo
- 2 of 4 x 6 cm
- Head size 31 to 35 mm
- Pasui pateikiamos 2 nuotraukos, 40 x 60 mm
Posted in Lithuania passport photo
Tagged australian immigration photos, Camera, canadian immigration photos, china passport photos, Digital Photo Album, Digital Photos, egyptian embassy in us, Lithuania passport photo, pakistan passport photos, pakistan passport picture, passport photo, visit italy, visit japan, visit new zealand, visit pakistan, visit spain, work visa new zealand
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Moldova Passport photos
Moldova Passport Photos:
2 photos 3 x 5 cm
Open 7 days a week with appointment only. Passport or visa photo will be ready for pick up at the time of appointment. Our location is in Phoenix, AZ.
2328 E. Chanute Pass, Phoenix, AZ 85040
click here for immediate directions
call for appointment: 480.862.9002
Posted in Moldova Passport photos
Tagged australian immigration photos, Boudoir photography, Camera, canadian passport photos, egyptian embassy in us, Moldova Passport photos, pakistan passport photos, pakistan passport picture, pan card photos, Thailand work permit photos, visa photos, visit italy, visit pakistan, work visa new zealand
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Ukraine passport photos
By appointment only,
Call now for an appointment for your passport photos or visa photos 480.862.9002
Passport Photos and Visa Photos are ready in about 15 minutes
Open 7 days a week with appointment only. Passport photos or visa photos will be ready at the time of appointment.
Williams Passport Photos location is in Phoenix, AZ.
2328 E. Chanute Pass, Phoenix, AZ 85040
click here for immediate directions
appointment: 480.862.9002
Passport Photo Requirements
1. Фотокартки для оформлення паспорта
Якість фотокарток:
На фотокартці має бути відображено крупним планом голову і верхню частину плечей. Обличчя повинне займати 70-80% вертикального розміру знімка (визначається візуально).
Фотокартка має бути зробленою на матовому папері високої якості з роздільною здатністю друку не менше 150 dpi.
Фотокартка не повинна мати дефектів (подряпин, вм’ятин, плям, слідів від фарби тощо).
Колір шкіри обличчя повинен бути природного кольору.
Особа на фотокартці має дивитися прямо на фотоапарат.
Стиль і освітлення:
Особа на фотокартці має бути зображена з відкритими і чітко видними очима; волосся не повинне затуляти очі.
Особа повинна бути зображена так, щоб обличчя трималося прямо проти фотоапарата і погляд не повинен бути через плече (портретний стиль). Голову потрібно тримати прямо.
Фотокартка повинна мати однотонний одноколірний світлий фон для забезпечення контрасту між обличчям і волоссям. Допускається світло-сірий, білий фон.
Ефекту «червоних очей» не повинно бути.
Освітлення повинно бути рівномірним, без тіней і відбиттів на обличчі. Обидві сторони обличчя повинні бути ясно видні.
Окуляри і головні убори:
Очі на фотографії повинні бути чітко видними; світло не повинно відбиватися в окулярах і лінзи не повинні бути темними. По можливості слід відмовлятися від великої оправи.
Оправа не повинна затуляти очі.
Головні убори не допускаються за виключенням випадків, конкретно передбачених компетентним державним органом. До таких випадків відносяться релігійні звичаї, медичні приписи чи культурні традиції.
Фотокартка дитини:
Дитина на фотокартці повинна бути зображена одна; спинка стільця чи іграшка не повинні бути видні. Дитина має дивитись на камеру з нейтральним виразом обличчя і закритим ротом.
Фотокартка немовляти по можливості має бути зроблена у відповідності до вищезазначених вимог. Немовля має бути сфотографоване у вертикальному положенні, однак допускається фотографування немовляти, що лежить на білому чи світло-сірому покривалі. У якості альтернативи немовля може бути сфотографоване в сидінні для дитини, але за його головою повинний бути білий чи світло-сірий фон. Очі дитини мають бути відкриті, рот закритий, а руки особи, що підтримує її, не повинно бути видно.
Photograph requirements
1. Photos for passport
Quality photos:
In the photograph should be displayed close-up head and upper shoulders. The face should cover 70-80% of the vertical size of the image (determined visually).
The photograph must be made on high quality print resolution of at least 150 dpi.
The photograph must not have defects (scratches, dents, stains, traces of paint, etc.).
Color of skin should be natural color.
The person in the photo should look directly at the camera.
Style and lighting:
The person in the photo should be shown with open and clearly visible eyes, hair should not obscure the eyes.
The person should be shown so that the face rested directly against the camera view and should not be over the shoulder (portrait style). Head should be kept straight.
Photographs must have a monochromatic light colored background to provide contrast between the face and hair. Safety light gray, white background.
Effect of “red eye” should not be.
Lighting should be uniform, without shadows and reflections on the face. Both sides of the face must be clearly visible.
Glasses and hats:
Eyes on photographs must be clearly visible, the light should not be reflected in the glasses and lenses should be dark. Possible should abandon large frame.
Frame should not obscure the eyes.
Hats are not permitted except as specifically provided by the competent public authority. These cases include religious practices, medical prescriptions or cultural traditions.
The photograph of the child:
The child in the photo should be shown one; chair or toy should not be seen. The child has to look at the camera with a neutral expression and your mouth closed.
The photograph of the baby as possible must be made in accordance with the above requirements. The baby should be photographed vertically, but allowed photographing baby lying on a white or light gray curtain. As an alternative, the baby can be photographed in the seat for a child, but his head must be white or light gray background. Eyes of a baby should be open, mouth closed, and the hands of the person who supports it should not be visible.
2. Фотокартка дитини для вклеювання в паспорт одного із батьків
2. The child’s photo for pasting in the passport of one of the parents
2. The child’s photo for pasting in the passport of one of the parents
child photo pasted in passport of one of the parents size:
- 2.5 cm x 3.5 cm
Visa Photo Requirements
- Size: 35 x 45 mm
Posted in Ukraine passport photos
Tagged australian immigration photos, Boudoir photography, Camera, canadian immigration photos, canadian passport photos, chinese passport photos, Digital Camera, Digital Photo, Digital Photos, find job in new zealand, fly t0 Ukraine, immigration photos, mexican passport photos, new zealand passport photos, pan card photos, poland passport photos, Ukraine passport photos, us immigration photos, visa, visa photos, visa pictures, visit egypt, visit italy, visit japan, visit new zealand, visit pakistan, visit spain, visit Ukraine, visit usa, visit Vanatu
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United Arab Emirates passport, Visa photos
دولة الإمارات العربية المتحدة
رجاِء الإتصال لحجز موعد التصوير
نتحدث العربية
By appointment only,
Call now for an appointment for your passport photos or visa photos 480.862.9002
Passport Photos and Visa Photos are ready in about 15 minutes
Open 7 days a week with appointment only. Passport photos or visa photos will be ready at the time of appointment.
Williams Passport Photos location is in Phoenix, AZ.
2328 E. Chanute Pass, Phoenix, AZ 85040
click here for immediate directions
appointment: 480.862.9002
UAE Passport photos
- Overall size of passport photo should be 45 x 55 mm
U.A.E Passport photos must have a head size between 31 to 35 mm
They must appear in clear/good quality
They must be printed on good quality photographic paper
Show the full face from the front view (both ears should be showing)
The passport photos must have been taken within the last six months
Color Photographs only, no Black and white
Consular or Official U.A.E. Visa Photo Requirements
Two original passport-sized photos 51 x 51 mm
U.A.E. Visa photos must have a head size between 25 to 35 mm
For a list of countries including Canada and the United States whose citizens do not need tourist or transit visas : coming soon
Embassy of the UAE
125 Boteler St.
Ottawa , ON
K1N 0A4
Tel: 613-565-7272
Fax: 613-565-8007
Posted in United Arab Emirates passport photos
Tagged australian immigration photos, Boudoir photography, canadian immigration photos, canadian passport photos, chinese passport photos, Digital Camera, Digital Photo Album, Digital Photo Processing, find job in new zealand, find job in UAE, fly to UAE, fly to Vanatu, immigration photos, mexican passport photos, new zealand visa, pan card photos, Passport, passport photo, passport photos, poland passport photos, United Arab Emirates passport photos, us immigration photos, us passport photos, vfs photos, visa to uae, visit italy, visit new zealand, visit pakistan, visit spain, visit UAE, visit usa, visit Vanatu, work in pakistan
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Vanuatu passport photos (2 pic)
By appointment only,
Call now for an appointment for your passport photos or visa photos 480.862.9002
Passport Photos and Visa Photos are ready in about 15 minutes
Open 7 days a week with appointment only. Passport photos or visa photos will be ready at the time of appointment.
Williams Passport Photos location is in Phoenix, AZ.
2328 E. Chanute Pass, Phoenix, AZ 85040
click here for immediate directions
appointment: 480.862.9002
Visa Photo Requirements
Most countries are exempted from Visa requirements. Those that require a visa will need one(1) passport sized photograph
Posted in Vanatu passport photos
Tagged australian immigration photos, Boudoir photography, cairo, Camera, canadian immigration photos, canadian passport photos, china passport photos, Digital Camera, Digital Photo, Digital Photo Album, Digital Photo Processing, egyptian embassy in us, fly to Vanatu, immigration photos, mexican passport photos, new zealand passport photos, pan card photos, us immigration photos, vfs photos, visa pictures, visit egypt, visit italy, visit new zealand, visit pakistan, visit spain, visit usa, visit Vanatu, work in pakistan, work visa new zealand
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Vietnam Passport, Visa photos
By appointment only,
Call now for an appointment for your passport photos or visa photos 480.862.9002
Passport Photos and Visa Photos are ready in about 15 minutes
Open 7 days a week with appointment only. Passport photos or visa photos will be ready at the time of appointment.
Williams Passport Photos location is in Phoenix, AZ.
2328 E. Chanute Pass, Phoenix, AZ 85040
click here for immediate directions
1 – You can not wear any kind of glasses when taking these photos.
2 – Veins, hats and scarfs are strictly prohibited, and any other accessories that cover your ears or foreheads
Passport Photo Requirements
3 pic. 4 x 6 cm,
white background,
look straight at camera.
Visa Photo Requirements
2 pic. 4 x 6 cm
The form must be completed, signed and attached with with 01 original photo (4 x 6 cm) . In case of a loose-leaf-visa request, 01 additional photo must be stapled to the form.
Posted in Vietnam passport photos
Tagged australian immigration photos, canadian immigration photos, canadian passport photos, china passport photos, Digital Camera, Digital Photo Print, immigration photos, mexican passport photos, new zealand passport photos, new zealand visa, pakistan visa, Vietnam passport photos, Vietnamese passport photos, visit egypt, visit new zealand, visit pakistan, work visa new zealand
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Pakistan Passport photos & Visa Photos
Call for an appointment 480.862.9002, Open 7 days a week by appointment only. Passport photos or visa photos will be ready at the time of appointment.
Williams Passport Photos location is in Phoenix, AZ.
Appointment: 480.862.9002
Please bring an example or a set of specifications for your requirements.
Pakistani Passport and Visa Photo Requirements listed below:
•Submit two color photographs for Pakistani Passport applications
•Sufficiently recent to be a good likeness taken within the last six month
•50 mm x 50 mm in size are needed for Pakistan Passport applications
•The image size measured from the bottom of your chin to the top of your head (including hair) should not be less than 25 mm and not more than 35 mm.
•The photographs must be color, clear, with a full front view of your face
•Printed on thin paper with plain light (white or off-white) background
•They must be capable of withstanding a mounting temperature of 225 degree Fahrenheit (107 degree Celsius). Photographs retouched so that your appearance is changed are unacceptable. Snapshots, most vending machine prints, & magazine or full-length photographs are unacceptable. Digitized photos must meet the previously stated qualifications& will be accepted for use at the discretion of Passport Service.
•Photographs must be taken in normal street attire, without a hat, head covering, or dark glasses unless a signed statement is submitted by the applicant verifying the item is worn daily for religious purposes or a signed doctor’s statement is submitted
Posted in Pakistan passport photos
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