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Tag Archives: work permit photos
Turkey Passport & Visa Photos
Turkey Passport & Visa Photos
Passport Photo Requirements
2 pictures of 50 x 60 mm
May use the EU Requirements of 35 x 45 mm
Visa Photo Requirements
1 Passport size photo (Black & white or colored)
call for appointment: 480.862.9002
Posted in Turkey Passport Photos
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Armenia Passport photos

Armenian Passport Photo
Passport Photos and Visa Photos are ready in about 15 minutes
Open 7 days a week with appointment only. Passport photos or visa photos will be ready at the time of appointment. Williams Passport Photos location is in Phoenix, AZ.
appointment: 480.862.9002
2328 E. Chanute Pass, Phoenix, AZ 85040
click here for immediate directions
Passport and Visa photos must conform to the internationally agreed Bio-metric Standard for passports.
Please bring an example or a set of specifications for your requirements.
Armenian Passport and Visa Photo Requirements listed below:
If spectacles are worn the eyes must be clearly visible
4 identical recent photos are needed
The passport photos must be no more than 6 months old
In the case of babies, no visible support must be seen
Armenian Passport photo requirements state that no teeth be visible
You must have a neutral expression and you must nor smile
Face and shoulders must be in the middle for Armenian Passport Photos
Armenian Passport Photos must have natural skin color
The length from chin to crown of head must between 25 mm to 30 mm
The photograph size is 35 x 45 mm
No shadows
Plain, uniform, white or light gray background
No red eye allowed
Posted in Armenia Passport photos
Tagged australian immigration photos, Camera, canadian immigration photos, canadian passport photos, china passport photos, chinese passport photos, Digital Camera, Digital Photo Album, Digital Photo Print, egyptian embassy in us, find job in new zealand, immigration photos, passport photos, us immigration photos, vfs photos, visit new zealand, work permit photos, work visa new zealand
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Qatar Passport & Visa Photos (38×48 mm)
Call for appointment 480-862-9002
Qatar Passport Photos requirements:
- 2 pictures 38 x 48 mm
- Gray back ground
Qatar Visa Photo:
the photo spec for Qatar’s Visa is:
- Background of the photo should not be white
- 38 x 48 mm
- Address:
2328 E. Chanute Pass, Phoenix, AZ 85040
click here for immediate directions
Posted in Qatar Passport Photos
Tagged australian immigration photos, Boudoir photography, Camera, canadian immigration photos, china passport photos, Digital Camera, Digital Photo Album, Digital Photos, egyptian embassy in us, pakistan passport photos, pakistan passport picture, Qatar Passport Photos, visit usa, work permit photos, work visa new zealand
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Kuwait passport photo
Call for an appointment 480.862.9002
Open 7 days a week with appointment only. Passport or visa photo will be ready for pick up at the time of appointment. Our location is in Phoenix, AZ.
2328 E. Chanute Pass, Phoenix, AZ 85040
click here for immediate directions
Kuwait passport photo Required Documents | ||
Birth certificate and a copy | ||
Two (2) recent colored personal photos 4 × 6 cm | ||
Photos should be taken without eyeglasses | ||
Face length should range from 2.2 to 2.5 cm and should be at the center of the photo |
Photos should not be taken in military uniform | ||
Photos should not be taken for the face profile | ||
Photo background color (blue) should not affect the clarity |
Fingerprint notification for applicants who reached 18 years old or older | ||
Address proof | ||
Off records from the Ministry of Interior for aged applicants for whom no birth certificates were previously issued. The applicant’s name and date of birth should be stated in the off records. | ||
Nationality certificate for minors born outside Kuwait | ||
Envelope | ||
Letter of no objection against registration from the Ministry of Interior for aged applicants | ||
Nationality certificate and a copy for applicants who reached 18 years old or older | ||
Power of attorney from the Ministry of Justice, in case the applicant does not attend in person | ||
Kuwait Visa photo 2 passport photos 4 x 6 cm |
Posted in kuwait passport photo
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Ecuador Passport & Visa photos
Passport and Visa Photo Requirements
The following is the list of regulations regarding passport-style photographs
- Two (2) 2×2 inches in size, taken within the past 6 months.
- The image size from the bottom of the chin to the top of the head should be between 1 inch and 1 3/8 inches.
- The photographs may be in color or black and white.
- They must be full face, front view with a plain white or off-white background.
- Photographs should be taken in normal street attire, without a hat or headgear that obscures the hair or hairline.
- Uniforms should not be worn in photographs.
- If prescription glasses, a hearing device, wig or similar articles are normally and consistently worn, they should be worn when the picture is taken.
- Dark glasses or nonprescription glasses with tinted lenses are not acceptable unless required for medical reasons. A medical certificate may be required to support the wearing of such glasses in the photographs.
- If you choose to submit digitized photos, they must meet the same requirements of all passport photographs. In addition, digitized photographs are always produced on digital printers. Some printers will produce a photograph in which the dots are seen. Visible dots distort the image by making it look grainy. Acceptable photos have a continuous tone image that looks very photo-like.
Vending Machine photos are NOT acceptable.
Homemade Digital Photographs are not acceptable.
call for appointment 480.862.9002
2328 E. Chanute Pass, Phoenix, AZ 85040
click here for immediate directions
Ecuador’s culture and traditions: 3 basic facts
Arm yourself with a couple of basic facts and figures about Ecuador, at the very least. Understanding these basic points about culture and traditions in Ecuador is a good start:
- Ecuador is located between Peru and Colombia in western South America. It borders the Pacific Ocean along the Equator.
- The majority religion in Ecuador is Roman Catholic, accounting for 95% of the population.
- Speaking of population, it is estimated that Ecuador is home to somewhere in the region of 15,654,000 people.
Ecuador’s culture and traditions: Language
Never underestimate the importance of knowing something of the local language. Just as any trip to Santiago, Chile will be improved by knowing a few words in Chilean Spanish, understanding the language in Ecuador will be of huge benefit.
Speaking Spanish in Ecuador
There are over 20 different languages spoken in Ecuador, though the official language is Spanish. Perhaps not surprisingly, Spanish is also the most commonly spoken. If you can speak Spanish, you’re way ahead of the pack. If not, you might want to carry a phrase book (or Google Translate) to help you get by.
Other languages in Ecuador
Beyond Spanish, they speak various other languages in Ecuador. If you’ve already mastered Spanish and want a bigger challenge, why not learn a few words in another language? Some of the other languages they speak in Ecuador are:
- Achuar-Shiwiar
- Cha’palaachi
- Colorado
- Cuaiquer
- Quichua
- Siona
Posted in Ecuador Passport photos
Tagged australian immigration photos, business in Ecuador, Camera, Digital Photo Album, Digital Photo Processing, Ecuador Passport & Visa photos, green card photos, hotels in Ecuador, immigration photos, map of Ecuador, mexican passport photos, passport photos, property in Ecuador, travel to Ecuador, us immigration photos, usa visa photos, visa Ecuador photos, visit Ecuador, visit egypt, visit spain, visit usa, work in Ecuador, work permit photos
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Canadian permanent residents card
Applying for a permanent resident card (PR Card) — Initial application, replacement or renewal (IMM 5445) Appendix B: Photo specifications
By appointment only, call: 480.862.9002
Photos are ready in 15 minutes. Open 7 days a week with appointment only.
Williams passport photos policy: Your satisfaction guaranteed! The photo we provide will never get rejected!
2328 E. Chanute Pass, Phoenix, AZ 85040
click here for immediate directions
NEW Photo Dimensions
Notes to the applicant
– Make sure you provide the correct number of photos specified in your application guide. – You must provide identical and unaltered photographs.
– Photographs may be in color or black and white.
– Photographs must be original and not altered in any way or taken from an existing photograph.
– Photographs must reflect your current appearance (taken within the past six (6) months).
Notes to the photographer
The photographs must be:
– taken by a commercial photographer
– 50 mm x 70 mm (2 inches wide x 2 3/4 inches long) and sized so the height of the face measures between 31 mm and 36 mm (1 1/4 inches and 1 7/16 inches) from chin to crown of head (natural top of head).
– clear, sharp and in focus.
– taken with a neutral facial expression (eyes open and clearly visible, mouth closed, no smiling).
– taken with uniform lighting and not show shadows, glare or flash reflections.
– taken straight on, with face and shoulders centered and squared to the camera (i.e. the photographs must show the full front view of the person’s head and shoulders, showing full face centered in the middle of the photograph).
– taken in front of a plain white background with a clear difference between the person’s face and the background. Photographs must reflect/represent natural skin tones.
The back of one (1) photograph must:
- bear the name and date of birth of subject, as well as the name and complete address of the photography studio.
- bear the date the photograph was taken
- the photographer may use a stamp or hand write this information – stick on labels are not acceptable
Posted in Canadian PR Card
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Cyprus Passport photos
Call for an appointment 480.862.9002
Open 7 days a week with appointment only. Passport or visa photo will be ready for pick up at the time of appointment. Our location is in Phoenix, AZ.
2328 E. Chanute Pass, Phoenix, AZ 85040
click here for immediate directions
Passport and Visa photos must conform to the internationally agreed Bio metric Standard for passports.
Passport Photo Requirements:
2 recent 4 x 5 cm photographs. One must be notarized by a Notary Public
Visa Photo Requirements:
Two passport size photographs, at least one notarized by a Notary Public.
Posted in Cyprus Passport photo
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Croatia Visa and Passport photos
Croatia Visa and Passport Requirements
- 2 passport size photos of the applicant (color photo 4.5 x 3.5 cm)
Save time and money by doing it right the first time at Williams Passport Photos & Visa Photos
Passport Photos and Visa Photos are ready in about 15 minutes
Open 7 days a week with appointment only. Passport photos or visa photos will be ready at the time of appointment.
Williams Passport Photos location is in Phoenix, AZ.
2328 E. Chanute Pass, Phoenix, AZ 85040
click here for immediate directions
appointment call or text 480.862.9002
Posted in Croatia Visa and Passport photos
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US Green card Photos
US Green card digital photo jpg format 600 X 600 pix
2 US Green card photos printed on Commercial Hi quality photo paper
Looking for high quality and affordable green card photos? You’ve come to the right place! As a professional photography business we provide customers with the best digital photographic and printing equipment.
Passport Acceptance Facilities Near You
U.S. Government Passport FAQ
U.S. Department of State Passport Application
By appointment only, Call now for an appointment for your passport photos or visa photos 480.862.9002
Open 7 days a week with appointment only. Passport photos or visa photos will be ready at the time of appointment.
Williams Passport Photos location is in Phoenix, AZ.
2328 E. Chanute Pass, Phoenix, AZ 85040
click here for immediate directions
for appointment: 480.862.9002
Requirements listed below:
The format for Green-card photos changes depending on how you are applying for your Green-card.
by Email Applications Digital (jpg file):
•The image must be in JPEG format.
•The image can either be color or black and white
•The dimensions must be 600 pixels high by 600 pixels wide
•It must be no bigger than 240 KB in size
By mail or in person:
•The image size must be 2 inches by 2 inches (50 mm x 50 mm) square
•Hi resolution digital cameras or a film camera must be used
•The image can be color or black and white
•Home printing on an ink jet printer is unacceptable
•Commercial quality photo paper must be used
Specific Requirements for Green Card Photos:
•The Applicant must be directly facing the camera
•The head should not be tilted up, down or to the side,
•The head should cover about 50% to 60% of the area of the photo.
•Green card Photos require a white or light colored background
•Neutral expressions are best. Showing teeth is unacceptable
•Two identical unaltered photos are required
•Flash Reflections on skin is unacceptable
•The photo must be sharply focused and well exposed showing a full range of skin tones
•Green Card Photos which are too dark, too light or unclear are unacceptable
•Photos in which the person being photographed is wearing sunglasses or excessive jewelry etc which detracts from the face will not be accepted.
•Religious head coverings or hats are acceptable but must not obscure the face
•Photos with tribal headgear not specifically religious in nature is not acceptable.
•Photos of military, airline or other personnel wearing hats will not be accepted.
Posted in US Green Card photos
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British Passport, Visa digital jpg file.
Open 7 days a week, By appointment only 480.862.9002
Photos ready in about 15 minutes
Williams Passport Photos location is in Phoenix, AZ.
2328 E. Chanute Pass, Phoenix, AZ 85040
click here for immediate directions
UK Passport and Visa Photo Requirements:
Need to upload a digital jpg (soft copy file) for your UK passport photo, we will send it to your email address.
Two identical photos are required for UK passport applications
The passport photos must be 35 x 45 mm
The background must be light gray
The passport photo must stand out clearly against the background
Passport photos must be printed on low gloss high quality photographic paper
Passport photos you submit must copyright free
The photos must be undamaged, ie. no creases caused by paper clips
Other people of objects must not be visible in your passport photos
The head size in the UK passport photo must measure between 29 and 34 mm
The above measurement is from the bottom of the chin to the top of the head (without hair)
There must be no writing on the back or the front of UK Passport Photos
The passport and visa photos must be properly focused and clear
Professional printing is required. for British Passport Photos
No shadows are allowed in UK passport and visa photos
You must be facing forwards and looking straight into the camera
You expression must be neutral in you British passport photo
Do not show your teeth and keep your mouth closed for UK Passport Photos
No grinning, raised eyebrows and frowning
Your eyes must be open and clearly visible in British Passport Photos
There must be no hair obscuring your eyes, sunglasses or tinted glasses
There must no flash reflections from glasses in UK Passport photos
The frame of the glasses must not cover up any part of your eyes
We advise our customers to remove their glasses for their UK passport photos
Head coverings are allowed only for religious or medical reasons in UK passport photos
UK Passport Photo Requirements for children under age 5:
– The photo must be clear and show a true likeness of the child
– A neutral expression is not required for a UK passport photo
– Reflections and glare on spectacle are acceptable
– The head of the child can be at an angle
– Children do not need are not required to look straight into the camera
Baby Passport Photos: If under one year of age, baby does not need to have eyes open and there should be no supporting hands visible.
Photo size for children over six are the same for adults but the head size can be between 21 mm and 34 mm.
Posted in UK passport photos
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Thailand Passport, Visa, work permit photos
Call now for an appointment 480.862.9002
address: 2328 E. Chanute Pass, Phoenix AZ 85040
Passport and Visa photos must conform to the internationally agreed Bio metric Standard for passports.
Thai Passport Photo Requirements:
•Two photos taken by a passport photographer required
•The photos must be identical and taken within the last 6 months
•The photo must be in color only.
•A light background, white or off white is required for Thai Passport Photos
•Your facial features should clearly distinguishable against the background
•It should be a close-up of your head and shoulders
•Your face should cover 70-80% of the overall passport photo
•Thai passport photos should be 45 x 35 mm
•The passport photographs must be clear and in sharp focus
•Digital or scanned photographs should be printed at 1200 dpi resolution or better.
•There must not be any shadows in the photo either on the face or background
•There must be no reflection on spectacles if worn
•The eyes must not be obscured by sunglasses, hair across the eyes etc
•Your face must be looking directly at the camera with eyes open
•Your mouth must be closed, showing no teeth
•Thai passport state that you must have neutral expression
•Your face should be uncovered with no hats or head covering for Thai passport photos
Thai Visa Photo Requirements
•Thai visa applications require two photos
•Thailand specifies a size of 50 x 50 mm
•Photostat or Photocopies are unacceptable
•Thai visa photos must have a light colored background
•The visa photo must be a full face view of the person
•Wearing a hat or dark glasses is not allowed
•Thai Visa Photos must have been taken recently (within 6 months)
Getting a Work Permit
Required papers for a work permit
After you have your non-immigrant visa, you can now apply for a work permit. Here are the papers generally required from the prospective employee to start a work permit:
• copy of the picture page/identification page of your passport (the one with your photo and passport number)
• your non-immigrant visa
• copy of the passport page with your current entrance stamp
• copy of your entry card
• Copy of your degree or resume or transcript – sometimes they require it be certified by your country’s embassy (this requires bringing your degree or resume to your embassy, declaring it is a true and original document and then paying an authentication fee.
• a doctor’s certificate stating you are in good health (this can be arranged quickly in Thailand and generally costs less than 100 baht and usually does not required any actual exam
• (this is the photo size used by most photo shops in Thailand for Visas. This is not a Passport photo size which is different.
• Three to Five Thousand baht (depending on the length of your work permit.
• Additionally, your employer will be required to submit tax and legal documents concerning the nature of their business and employees.
Posted in Thailand passport photos
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Angola passport & Visa photos
Open 7 days a week by appointment only call 480.862.9002
Passport or visa photo will be ready for pick up at the time of appointment.
Our location:
2328 E. Chanute Pass
Phoenix, AZ 85040
Angola Passport Photo Requirements:
2 recent passport photographs 51 x 51 mm
Visa Photo Requirements:
2 recent passport photographs 51 x 51 mm with the names on the back
189 Laurier Av. East
Ottawa – Ontario, K1N 6P1
Phone: 613-234-1152
Fax: 613-234-1179
E-mail [email protected]
Posted in Angola passport photos
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Afghanistan Passport & Visa Photos
call for appointment 480.862.9002
Afghanistan passport photos Requirements:
Three passport-sized photos (with name written at the back and attached with cellophane tape).
Visa Photo Requirements:
One passport-sized photo (attached to application form).
Afghanistan, in southwestern Asia, bounded on the north by Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, and Tajikistan; on the east by China and the part of the disputed territory of Jammu and Kashmir controlled by Pakistan; on the south by Pakistan; and on the west by Iran. Afghanistan was a monarchy from 1747 to 1973, when the king was overthrown by military officers and the country was proclaimed a republic; the republic dissolved in 1992 as the country erupted in civil war. Afghanistan lies across ancient trade and invasion routes from central Asia into India. This position has been the greatest influence on its history because the invaders often settled there. Today the population includes many different ethnic groups. Most of the present borders of the country were drawn up in the 19th century, when Afghanistan became a buffer state, or neutral zone, between Russia and British India. Kabul is the capital and largest city.
Posted in Afghanistan passport photos
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Singapore Passport & Visa photos
Call for an appointment 480.862.9002
Looking for high quality and affordable passport or visa photos? You’ve come to the right place! As a professional photography business we provide customers with the best digital photographic and printing equipment.
Open 7 days a week by appointment only. Passport photos or visa photos will be ready at the time of appointment.
Williams Passport Photos location is in Phoenix, AZ.
Passport and Visa photos must conform to the internationally agreed Bio metric Standard for passports.
For more information, please visit the Singapore Passport web site
Please bring an example or a set of specifications for your requirements.
Singapore Passport Photo Requirements listed below for hard copy
• The Singapore passport authorities state that the photos must be sharp and clear
• 35 mm wide by 45 mm high is the size required for passport photos
• The passport photos must be border less
• The passport photos must have been taken within the last 3 months
• The passport photos must be t taken full face with you looking directly at the camera
• Your head must be straight and your eyes must be open
• No hair across the eyes is allowed in your photos
• Both edges of your face, and the top of the shoulders must be clearly seen
• Your face must measure between 25 and 35 mm from chin to crown of head
• Taken without wearing any hat or other head covering, unless you habitually wear a hat or head covering in accordance with your religious or racial custom
• If any such hat or other head covering is worn, the passport photo must still be a full frontal view of your head and shoulders, showing your facial features in entirety with eyes open and clearly visible
• If you wear glasses, the photo must show your eyes clearly with no flash reflection
• Spectacle frames must not cover any part of your eyes
• Tinted glasses and sunglasses are not allowed in Singapore passport applications
• Taken with uniform lighting with no flash reflections or shadows
• No uneven bright spots on the face and no red eyes in your photo
• Taken against a white background, except that if your hair, hat or head covering is white, the background must be light gray
• The photo must show you alone with no chair back, toys or other persons visible
• Be printed on high quality paper at high resolution.
Singapore Passport Photos for online application requires
same as above but image upload to your email
• Passport Photo file size should not exceed 60
• 514 x 400 pixels is the size specified by Singapore Passport Agencies
• The passport photo must be submitted in jpg format
Posted in Singapore passport photos
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Morocco Passport / Visa Photos
Call for an appointment 480.862.9002
Looking for high quality and affordable passport or visa photos? You’ve come to the right place! As a professional photography business we provide customers with the best digital photographic and printing equipment.
Passport Photos and Visa Photos are ready in about 15 minutes
Open 7 days a week by appointment only. Passport photos or visa photos will be ready at the time of appointment.
Williams Passport Photos location is in Phoenix, AZ.
Passport and Visa photos must conform to the internationally agreed Bio-metric Standard for passports.
For more information, please visit the Moroccan Passport and Visa web site
Please bring an example or a set of specifications for your requirements.
Morocco Passport Photo Requirements listed below:
- 4 identical color photos are required for a Moroccan Passport
- Passport photo size 45 mm x 35 mm
- Photos should be no more than 6 months old
- Straight on view for Moroccan passports
- White or off white background is required for Moroccan passports
Visa Photo Requirements
- One passport size color photo. 45 mm x 35 mm
Posted in Morocco passport photos
Tagged canadian immigration photos, canadian passport photos, find job in new zealand, Morocco Passport photos, pan card photos, passport photos, poland passport photos, Thailand work permit photos, us immigration photos, us passport photos, visa pictures, visit egypt, visit spain, work permit photos
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Malaysia Passport / Visa Photos
Call for an appointment 480.862.9002
Passport Photos and Visa Photos are ready in about 15 minutes
Open 7 days a week by appointment only. Passport photos or visa photos will be ready at the time of appointment.
Williams Passport Photos location is in Phoenix, AZ.
Passport and Visa photos must conform to the internationally agreed Bio metric Standard for passports.
Please bring an example or a set of specifications for your requirements.
Malaysian Passport Photo Requirements listed below:
- Front View
- Face appearance must be 1-1/2 in big, excluding shoulder length.
- Light Blue background (preferred).
- Passport photograph size 3.5 x 5 cm
- No home printed photographs, blurry photographs,
dark background color photographs accepted and please wear proper attire (no sleeveless or t-shirts). - Please use professional photographing services.
(Do not use instant photo kiosk.)
The Consulate will not be responsible for the delay of your application process if photograph requirements are not met.
- A light blue background is specified for passport photos
Polaroid instant photos are unacceptable for Malaysian passport applications
Three quarter profiles are not allowed
The subject must look straight into the camera
The passport photo must show the eyes clearly
There must be no hair over the face
Malaysian Visa Photo Requirements listed below:
2 (50×50 mm), identical photos are required for visa applications
- Size shape and specifications is the same as US Visa applications
Posted in Malaysia passport photos
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Austria Passport Photos
Call for an appointment 480.862.9002
Open 7 days a week by appointment only
Passport or visa photo will be ready at the same time of appointment.
only one location in Phoenix, AZ.
Austrian passport and visa photos Requirements listed below:
Austrian passport and visa photos must be 35 mm x 45 mm in size
A light grey background is required
Austrian passport and visa photos specify a head size less than 36 mm
Eye distance 8 mm-10 mm.
3 identical photos are required
Note: Although Austrian passport application paper requires two photos, you might be
requested 3 photos at the time of submission
Please bring an example or a set of specifications for your requirements.
Posted in Austria passport photos
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Argentine Passport & Visa Photos 1 1/2″ x 1 1/2″
Call for an appointment 480.862.9002
Looking for a high quality and affordable passport of visa photos? You’ve come to the right place! As a professional photography business we provide customers with the best digital photographic and printing equipment.
Open 7 days a week by appointment only. Passport or visa photo will be ready for pick up at the time of appointment. Our location is in Phoenix, AZ.
Requisitos que debe presentar para prorrogar el pasaporte Mercosur:
• Pasaporte vencido. • DNI actualizado. • 2 fotos color, de 1 ½” x 1 ½”, de frente, con fondo blanco. • La validez del pasaporte será cinco años
Requisitos que debe presentar para obtener pasaporte de emergencia:
• Pasporte vencido. • DNI actualizado. • 4 fotos color, de 1 ½” x 1 ½”, de frente, con fondo blanco. • La validez del pasaporte será un año
En el caso de robo o pérdida de pasaporte, deberá traer denuncia policial. Asimismo, necesitará los datos de su último pasaporte (día, mes y fecha de emisión; autoridad de emisión y número de pasaporte).
Por favor, traiga ya completo e impreso el formulario de solicitud de trámite que encontrará en:
Los trámites son personales porque el interesado debe firmar y colocar su impresión digital.
Todos los trámites de pasaporte se entregan en aproximadamente 5 días hábiles de ser tramitados.
Argentine Passport Photos:
•2 Argentina passport photos must be 1.5 x 1.5 inch size
•Argentine Passport and Visa regulations say that glasses are not allowed
Argentina Visa Photos
There are many different types but temporary visas are the most common. Among them are work visas, student visas and medical and tourist visas, all with different regulations The visa photo requirements are generally four standard-size passport photos ie the same as the passport photo specifications.
To visit Argentina you will need a valid 6 month passport and a 90 day visa unless you are from of Brazil, Chile, Paraguay and Uruguay. For these countries you ID card is acceptable
Argentina Passport Renewals
5 color passport photos -no glasses.
D.N.I . (Documento Nacional de Identidad); vote entries must be up to date.
Cédula de Identidad
Letter of Citizenship (naturalized Argentines
The history of tango began in Buenos Aires, Argentina in the late 19th century. The dance started in the lower-class districts of Buenos Aires taking place in the periphery of the city, bars, cafes and courtyards. Then tango took the next step into more established Dancing Houses and later inside middle and high class Argentinian homes.
Posted in Argentina passport photos
Tagged Argentine Passport photos, Argentine Visa Photos, australian immigration photos, Camera, canadian immigration photos, chinese passport photos, Digital Camera, Digital Photo Print, Digital Photo Processing, indian passport photos, poland passport photos, Thailand work permit photos, visit japan, visit spain, visit usa, work permit photos
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Albania Passport & Visa Photos
Call for an appointment 480.862.9002
Open 7 days a week by appointment only. Passport or visa photo will be ready for pick up at the time of appointment. Our location is in Phoenix, AZ.
Albanian Passport and Visa Photo Requirements listed below:
5 passport photos are specified for Albanian passport applications
Albanian passport photos must be 50 x 40 mm
The face should occupy 70% of the overall photo
A white background is preferred
View our listing on this tourist website featuring Hotels, Motels and tourist network which includes a Phoenix Hotel page and our own unique page Williams Passport Photo AZ
Visit Arizona
Visiting Arizona can take you through winding scenic roads to observe native wildlife or to a relaxing luxury golf and spa getaway. You might enjoy hiking or mountain biking, downhill skiing or viewing the desert sky; there is an outdoor recreation activity for everyone! So come to the Grand Canyon State and experience the unique culture that awaits you in Arizona.
Albania is located in the western part of the Balkan peninsula. It borders the former Yugoslavia (Serbia-Montenegro) and Kosovo in the north and the east, (FYR of) Macedonia in the east, and Greece in the south. It has access to the Adriatic and Ionian Seas in the west. From the Strait of Otranto, Albania is less than 100 km (60 miles) from Italy. The country covers a total of 28,000 squared kilometers (11,000 squared miles) and its population is 3.3 million.
Posted in Albania passport photos
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