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Open 7 days a week with appointment only. Passport or visa photo will be ready in 15 minutes. Our location is in Phoenix, AZ.
For more information, please visit the Dutch and Netherlands Passport and Visa web site
Dutch and Netherland Passport Visa Photo Requirements listed below:
The passport photo must be 35 X 45 mm (width x height).
Width: from ear to ear, between 16 mm and 20 mm.
Height: from age 11: from chin to crown, between 26 and 30 mm.
up to age 11: from chin to crown, between 19 and 30 mm.
You can check the size using the accompanying transparency.
- Glasses can be left on but we advise you to remove them
- No visible support of the subject (even babies)
- Neutral expression, no teeth visible
- Dutch Passport Photo must show subject centered
- Dutch Passport Photos needs to show normal skin color
- For Adults: length from chin to crown of head must be 26 mm to 30 mm
- For children: length from chin to crown must be 19 mm to 30 mm
- No shadows
- Plain, uniform, light gray background
- Hats and Scarves allowed only for religious beliefs
- Only color passport photographs are acceptable for Dutch Passports
Visa Photo Requirements listed below:
Requirements for these photos are very detailed, please provide specific requirements requested and we GUARANTEE 100% satisfaction
PHOTO MATRIX (2007 MODEL) (Appendix L)
Acceptance criteria for passport photos for Dutch travel documents
The purpose of the photograph is to identify the applicant, so applicants for travel documents are required to submit a color passport photo that is a good likeness. It will only be accepted if it meets all the requirements below, unless an exemption is made under the Passport Regulations.
1. Size The passport photo must be 35 by 45 mm (width x height).
Width: from ear to ear, between 16 mm and 20 mm.
Height: from age 11: from chin to crown, between 26 mm and 30 mm.
up to age 11: from chin to crown, between 19 mm and 30 mm.
You can check the size using the accompanying transparency.
2. Photo Quality
- In color
- A true likeness
- Natural representation
- In focus, sufficient contrast, discernible fine facial features
- Undamaged
- Not a reproduction (copy)
- Not manipulated
- Printed on high-quality, smooth photo paper
- Minimum 400 dpi resolution
The photo is in focus and is a true likeness and natural representation of the applicant. The photo shows sufficient contrast and fine features of the face, and the facial coloring is natural.
By high-quality, smooth photo paper, we mean paper intended for printing photos. The paper contains no raised surfaces or any other tangible or visible irregularities that might distort the appearance of the applicant.
The photographer needs to know that the photo must be 400 dpi and judge whether the photo looks as if its minimum resolution is 400 dpi.
The photo appears in black and white on the travel document, but is stored in color on the microchip.
3. Background
- Light grey, pale blue, or white
- Uniformly lit
- One color only
- No merging of colors
- Sufficient contrast between head and background
The background color must be light grey, pale blue, or white. The background must be even, in a single color, and without shadow or merging colors.
There must be sufficient contrast between the head and the background. Insufficient contrast reduces the clarity of the photograph in the travel document.
4. Facial appearance
- Head uncovered
- Face entirely visible
- Eyes entirely visible
The eyes and the whole face must be entirely visible. Hair that falls over the eyes (or parts of the eyes such as the eyelids) or otherwise hides part of the face can be an obstacle to human or electronic facial recognition.
The width of the face (from ear to ear) cannot be determined if the sides of the face are covered. This does not mean that the ears themselves must be visible.
No shadows, especially around the eyes, no reflections from accessories such as ribbons and earrings should be visible on the face.
Head covering is permitted only for religious, philosophical, or medical reasons (see Exceptions).
5. Position
- Head facing forward
- Eyes on a horizontal line
- Head not tilted to one side
- Shoulders straight
- No visible support
The head and the shoulders must appear straight from the front. If the head is tilted backward, forward, or to one side, or the face is pointed to the side, human or electronic facial recognition may be obstructed.
Support may not be visible on the photograph, so the supporter’s hands should be hidden beneath the subject’s clothes.
6. Facial expression
- Neutral facial expression
- Looking straight at the camera
- Mouth closed
If the applicant’s face is to be recognized successfully by human or electronic means, the applicant must be photographed looking straight at the camera with a neutral expression and a closed mouth.
Applicants may not smile broadly or open their mouths – which does not mean that they have to look surly or sullen.
7. Eyeglasses
- Eyes entirely visible
- Fully transparent lenses
- No distortion caused by reflection from the eyeglasses
- No shadow
The eyes must be entirely visible on the photo. This means that eyeglass frames and/or lenses may not cover the eyes in any way.
Reflection in the lenses or on the frame must be prevented as far as possible. If it is not possible to prevent reflection, the applicant must take off the glasses.
8. Exposure
- Uniformly lit
- Not overexposed or underexposed
- No shadow on the face or the background
- No reflection on the face
- No reflection caused by accessories
The face and the background must be uniformly lit. Underexposure or overexposure, shadow, and reflection must always be prevented.
The face may not contain white spots, as sometimes caused by a flash. Reflection can be caused by glowing skin, sweat, eyeglasses, jewelry, etc.
9. Framing
- Head fully visible
- Head centered
The applicant must appear in the middle of the photograph. The head must be fully visible.
Only if an applicant has a high hairstyle may some of the hair not be shown.
The Passport Regulations permit the following exceptions:
If the applicant can demonstrate religious or philosophical reasons for covering the head, all the acceptance criteria described in the Guidelines are applicable, except:
– category 4 APPEARANCE OF FACE ‘head uncovered’.
Applicants who are unable to comply with all the acceptance criteria in these Photo Matrix Guidelines due to physical or medical reasons that can be objectively determined qualify for exemption. If there is any doubt about the medical reasons, the applicant may be required to submit a declaration signed by a competent doctor or medical organisation.
If the applicant is a child younger than six years, minimum requirements apply to the passport photo.
The minimum requirements are all the acceptance criteria in the Photo Matrix Guidelines except:
– category 5 POSTURE ‘eyes on a horizontal line’, ‘head not tilted to one side’, and ‘shoulders straight’;
– category 6 EXPRESSION ‘neutral expression’, ‘looking straight at the camera’, and ‘mouth closed’.