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Tag Archives: visit canada
Canada Passport Photos
Call for an appointment 480.862.9002
Guarantee Never rejected
Open 7 days a week by appointment only. Passport photo will be ready in 15 minutes!Canadian Passport Photo Requirements listed below:
Recommended that customers remove glasses
Neutral expression with no teeth showing is specified
Image must be in the middle in your Canadian Passport Photo
Normal skin color
Length from chin to crown of head must be 31 mm to 36 mm.
No shadows on the background and the face
A plain, uniform, white or light-colored background
Head coverings in passport photos only for religious reasons
Black and white or color passport photographs are acceptable
2 identical passport photos required
The maximum size is 50 x 70 mm
Canadian Passport Photos must be printed on high quality photographic paper
Photographer’s address is required on the back of one of Canadian Passport photos
Leave room on the back of the passport photo for the guarantors statement and signature
Please bring an example or a set of specifications for your requirements.
A considerable number of photos are rejected due to common, avoidable errors. Please take the time to thoroughly read the photo specifications on this page. The passport application will be rejected if the photos do not meet these specifications. To avoid further delays, we suggest that you print a copy of our checklist to take with you to your photographer.
2 identical photos produced from the same film, or from the same electronic file capturing the digital image, are required for each passport.Specifications for photos
Size and paper
- The length of the face on the photo from chin to crown of head (natural top of head) must be between 31 mm (1 1/4 in.) and 36 mm (1 7/16 in).
- The photos must measure 50 mm X 70 mm in size (2 inches wide X 2 3/4 inches long).
- The photos must be a close-up of the head and shoulders so that the face covers approximately 25% of the photo.
- The photos must be printed on plain, high quality photographic paper. Heavy weight paper is unacceptable.
- Either black and white or color photos are acceptable.
The guarantor has to be a person who has known the applicant for at least two years, and the guarantor also must meet these requirements:
1. Be a Canadian citizen residing in Canada and must be accessible to Passport Canada for verification. (If the applicant lives in the USA, see our note at the end of this section)
2. Have known you personally for at least two years
3. Be one of the following:
- Chiropractor
- Dentist
- Geo scientist
- Judge
- Lawyer (member of a provincial bar association), notary in Quebec
- Magistrate
- Mayor
- Medical doctor
- Minister of religion authorized under provincial law to perform marriages
- Notary public
- Optometrist
- Pharmacist
- Police officer (municipal, provincial or RCMP)
- Postmaster
- Principal of a primary or secondary school
- Professional accountant (APA, CA, CGA, CMA, PA, RPA)
- Professional engineer (P.Eng., Eng. in Quebec)
- Senior administrator in a community college (includes CEGEPs)
- Senior administrator or teacher in a university
- Veterinarian
(Note: Canadian citizens living in the US can have a guarantor who is a US citizen; here’s a link to further information)
Posted in Canadian Passport photos
Tagged canadian immigration photos, canadian passport photos, indian passport photos, pan card photos, travel to canada, us immigration photos, visit canada, work visa new zealand
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